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Post by reanimation-06 »

ZoosKA wrote:ahh ok. But do you know how there was rain in your Redux version of bloodgulch? I really liked that effect! My friend gave me a bloodgulch map that had snow from the b40 map file. I was able to play in multiplayer with the snow coming down and no errors. Thats wierd :(
Yes... was the rain PMI'ed (because it is similar to snow)? Or did you add it differently? If so, how?
(I never really looked into adding snow or rain in a map).
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Post by ZoosKA »

I actually recreated it with a plain bloodgulch map. I extracted the snow meta from b40.map. Then I opened bloodgulch.map did batch extract got the metadata. I put the snow meta folders/files together into my build map folder with the bloodgulch meta. Then I opened hmt did tools>rebuild map I selected the right paths, etc. Added those 3 additional snow files/reference meta's. Then I hit build map. I answered no to the next two questions. Once the map was rebuilt I opened it in HHT v5 scrolled to [sbsp] Structure BSP on the left tag viewer column and selected levels/test/bloodgulch/bloodgulch. Then on the right (the dependency swapper) I selected the rain tag which was nulled out by standard. Then I clicked the "Tag and Dependency to Swap with" button and swaped nulled out with the snow. I closed Halo Hacker Tools. Named the rebuilt bloodgulch map back to bloodgulch.map. I put it back into my microsoft games halo map folder and when I open halo I joined a bloodgulch server and snow was coming down. Heres a video to prove im not going insane lol. I get no errors at all joining multiplayer servers.

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Post by Pepsi »

just to clear a few things up. the weather effects in maps isnt 100% stable and you may have issues in different servers with it. as for the process, heh, thats nessa's call.

another this is rain and snow are not alike. rain has it own point psychics and snow has it own also. the snow has 1 bitmap where as the rain effect is comprised of 4 different ones. the only logical way you could swap them correctly is to have them both PMI'd into a map together switching between the two effects. and yes, i see your playing online with snow in your own server. now go join a random server in the halo lobby and get footage of that.
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can i inject the H3 AR beta to ur AR?
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Post by Pepsi »

you can do whatever you want to your game :wink:
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Post by kibito87 »

Yo pepsi, PM me. I need to contact you about you or anyone else converting these to CE.

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Post by ZoosKA »


Sorry about the quality. I can play with snow in any server any modded server for hours on end. I haven't gotten any exceptions at all. Been playing at least 10 hours these last 3 days. Its been completely stable for me.
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Post by bcnipod »

kibito87 wrote:Yo pepsi, PM me. I need to contact you about you or anyone else converting these to CE.
ooo, when you do that, could you please funnel them to me? I am working on a mac version of this and would like to try to convert them to mac from CE using Harbinger.
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Post by Mr.Brightside »

ZoosKA wrote:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tK36aoKt-LA

Sorry about the quality. I can play with snow in any server any modded server for hours on end. I haven't gotten any exceptions at all. Been playing at least 10 hours these last 3 days. Its been completely stable for me.
Nice thread hijack.

Pepsi, that HDR effect is insane =D
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Post by Wss »

what about mac version?
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Post by bcnipod »

Wss wrote:what about mac version?
i am working on that. http://forums.halomods.com/viewtopic.php?t=73859
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Post by SuperSnorky »

I found out how to run DXTControl, but when I select " Modules to Load ", there's nothing....

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Post by ZoosKA »

Mr.Brightside wrote:Nice thread hijack
Looks like somebody doesn't like to see someone proved wrong. Your response is a bigger hijack. I simply posted a vid of what Pepsi ASKED to SEE because Im SUGGESTING that snow would be a good addition to FTW. If your going to be uptight I suggest you take it out sometime. Your Mr.Backside looks uncomfortable.
Pepsi, I noticed I could only rebuild this snow effect onto a clean bloodgulch file and have it work . I don't really understand why. If I tried to rebuild a modded bloodgulch map such as the map found in FTW, Halo Map Tools would freeze/idle during the map rebuild process and never finish. FYI, im just using the snow from the B40 map. I didn't try skinning my own or anything. And just swapping it in with Halo Hacker Tools v5. Anyways if you can't figure it out its ok. Halo FTW is still the best mod I've ever seen on HaloMods by far!
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Post by Pepsi »

i know how >_>

and i also know you can rebuild a rebuilt map. your totally missing the point i said above about using it online and what FTW intails. I dont want snow in BG. I wanted snow in sidewinder and icefields and thoes maps cant be done. why would i want snow in BG? it looks cheesy unless the whole map is reskinned.
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Post by Pepsi »

Bumped for the update at the top of the main page.
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Post by peta-182 »

The whole thing looks pretty cool, i'm about to download it right now :P

The only thing I don't like is the Lost Spartan biped :?
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Post by Wss »

bcnipod wrote:
Wss wrote:what about mac version?
i am working on that. http://forums.halomods.com/viewtopic.php?t=73859
I know they you are making it, but when it will be launched? because at the Pepsi version only skins work, and the maps and UI crash
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Post by Patrickh »

i wish i had your ability to you know, do work... then i would be able to make something amazing....
too bad

and the sig fits perfectly....
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