- spectre replaces gauss warthog instead of shadow now
grab the updated patch below.
- Author: __ xHeadshotmastax
Website: http://www.halogamaonline.com
Patch:__....http://hsm.behemothnet.net/paraiso.serenity ( minor updated )
Map Information:
[ YES ] __System Linkable
[ YES ] __Weapon Mods
[ YES ] __Custom Sounds
[ YES ] __Skin Mods
[ ___ ] __Physics Mods
[ YES ] __Lighting Mods
[ YES ] __Vehicle Mods
Preview Images:
look that sexy ammo counter
brutal shadow turret
Well here we go again.
Mostly all weapons modded / skinned / new sounds
All vehicles skinned
The grunt has a custom [udlg] ( pain sounds, die sounds )
Very nice gameplay
Grennc - SKIN! ( hes alive!!! )
TFD - Having fun while playing ,Fixing systemlink , testing with me, giving me cool sounds
Ironman - beta testing ( again -_- ) ( and the name )
soo ( again this yes -_- )... blabla received pm blablabla about how to get a working [udlg] (blabla painsounds blabla)... the solution is: internalize the sound tags of the masterchief and overinject each sound chunk of it by the bipd sound you want to have... YES THATS ALL YOU JUST NEEDED TO THINK SMART!!! -_-
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