Hey I'm here to present to you the secret skin that nobody had any idea of it is called Super Foundation 64. It's a skin off of nintendo 64s famous and one of it's first 64 game mario 64. In my opinion it's a great skin. and there is probably one thing bad with it and it's the skull. you'll see when you play it. so i have one download and it's a rar containing a serenity patch. I didnt do a ppf b/c dot halo wouldnt make one for me for some reason and dont try to help plz dont b/c i have serenity now.
Description: In the 4 rooms the walls are brick and all the doors have the mario star on each door and th stairs are red but have a brick top (I cant fix that), the center building thing is brick the 4 big pillars are cinderblocks, so is the top, the big numbers in the rooms are whit except room 4 wich has a white grate and a red number. in room three you'll just have to find out yourself. the wart hog is the paranna plant. and the metal where the turrets sit and where the battle rifile and rocket ammo are, are white the sky has big mario clouds and the moon is the koopa on the cloud and insted of the numbers directing you there are mario characters and the things in room 2 are red with the word bob-ombs on them the fans are white and the big numbers on the pillars are red. and if thats not good enough of a description for you go download it and take pics for me if you can plz.
Here's some vid: http://media.putfile.com/Movie_00034887/320
Basically this is a v1.0 where the only thing different is the skin. probably im gonna release another version where there are weapon mods and skins.
Hog skin done by BigB
feel free to take pics and post them.
Hey i'll be on xbc and you can play with me
S/N: [(Don-Vito)] - I changed it from Joe221365 to this new one
Hey if you dont have serenity here it is!
Finally some pics:

Oh yea i got someone to work in the weapons for me