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Halo full cloner 2.5

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 4:20 am
by spikes122

Here is the Halo full cloner 2.5

Its includes the same features as number 2 but now has hotkeyes

NOTE:If your computer dectects this as a virus dont worry its NOT
Its the dll for the hotkeys it is not a virus.
The computer thinks its a keylogger buts its because it using a dll for hotkeys

shift and 1= player 1
shift and 2= player 2
shift and 3=player 3
shift and 4=player 4
shift and 5=player 5
shift and 6=player 6
shift and 7=player 7
shift and 8=player 8
shift and 9=player 9
shift and 0=player 10
alt and 1=player11
alt and 2=player12
alt and 3=player13
alt and 4=player14
alt and 5=player15
alt and 6=player16
alt and shift=clone all

Here its is

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 12:33 pm
by Guest

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 12:44 pm
by bcnipod
ok #1! get a new interface that thing sucks. the buttons should all be in straight lines not all over the place.

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 2:17 pm
by spikes122
bcipod shut up you critcise everything i do i made it quick because people wanted long as it works who cares

Ill check this topic but i wont be making anything else for now

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 2:46 pm
by bcnipod
spikes122 wrote:bcipod shut up you critcise everything i do i made it quick because people wanted long as it works who cares

Ill check this topic but i wont be making anything else for now
dude. i have written more programs than you have. if the interface sucks that means that people are not going to like it. i am giving you advice.

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 5:02 pm
by doombledore
just chill man... just take a deep breath. Im sure he will update later with a better interface.

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 5:11 pm
by bcnipod
well besides the fact that the interface is the first and last thing a person will see with a program, and the fact that this interface is the same as the first 2.5 versions, i have reason to complain. but that does not give him the right to flame me.

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 5:15 pm
by Main
Bcni is right to an extent, GUI for a program is really important, even if you're not going to really see it behind Halo.

Just like your desktop; it has to look pretty, right?

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2008 12:47 am
by spikes122
Its not that its that i knew he would be there to say something
There hasnt been an ything good said about him on any of my apps or mods just "advice"

I dont care that you have written more than i have i didt know how to suft the internet before i learnt about modding halo so i think ive done quite good.

Im rubbish at graphics so i cant make good UIs and now it has hotkeys they wont see it anyway.

Sorry for flamming but My hacks Uis will always be like this as im not good at graphics.

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2008 5:20 am
by bcnipod
honestly that is serious no excuse. if you are using VB, you can aline via the dots on the form if not that then align them by using your eyes. i am telling you to do this, because more people will actually use if it looks nice.

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2008 7:54 am
by spikes122
Lol i said i made this quick i didt use vb and there was nothing that let you allign.
ok i want this to stop just flamming each other your right i should have made a better Ui but i dont have time and most people still like it

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2008 8:02 am
by bloodymess
This is great fun to use, and the hotkeys make it that much easier.
I do have to agree with bcnipod that the UI isn't the best in the world, but luckily i don't constantly stare at it so I don't really notice...

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2008 1:44 am
by Lantean
are you sure this is V2.5 with hotkeys?
in attachments it says "Spikes122 halo cloner v2.rar".
i can't get these hotkeys work atall.

Re: Halo full cloner 2.5

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2008 11:04 am
by flubber
spikes122 wrote:Hey

Here is the Halo full cloner 2.5

Its includes the same features as number 2 but now has hotkeyes

NOTE:If your computer dectects this as a virus dont worry its NOT
Its the dll for the hotkeys it is not a virus.
The computer thinks its a keylogger buts its because it using a dll for hotkeys

shift and 1= player 1
shift and 2= player 2
shift and 3=player 3
shift and 4=player 4
shift and 5=player 5
shift and 6=player 6
shift and 7=player 7
shift and 8=player 8
shift and 9=player 9
shift and 0=player 10
alt and 1=player11
alt and 2=player12
alt and 3=player13
alt and 4=player14
alt and 5=player15
alt and 6=player16
alt and shift=clone all

Here its is
dosen't seem to work....

halo full cloner hot keys dont work keylogger scam!!!

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 6:01 pm
by halodawg23
Are u trying to make a fake keylogger for us and the keys dont work ive tried it nothing happened

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 6:44 pm
by {TP}Spartan
My virus protections says this is a it?

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 6:48 pm
by Altimit01
Do people even read? It's quoted right above you. The same techniques that allow for hotkeys (finding which key was pressed when the app is not on top) also allow for keyloggers.
spikes122 wrote:NOTE:If your computer dectects this as a virus dont worry its NOT
Its the dll for the hotkeys it is not a virus.
The computer thinks its a keylogger buts its because it using a dll for hotkeys