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[Trial Tool]Auto Gametypes Selector [7/31/08]

Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2007 7:04 pm
by maximo3491

This program will allow the host to use other gametypes in his server. Gametypes include CTF, King, Team King, Oddball, Team Oddball, Slayer, and Teamslayer. Also weapon, grenade, health, and radar choices are available to add variety to your server.

Also know that gametypes will only work if you are hosting

Your virus scanner or malware scanner may pic this program up as malware. This is because scripts can be made to keylog you or do other malicious things. My program ONLY will detect when the F12 key is pressed (by you) for the program's GUI (graphics user interface) to load up.

Update: Basic added on 6/6/08
Auto Gametypes
(contents of the Gui have not changed)


Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 11:29 pm
by Ombre
I moved it here for you.

Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2007 7:49 pm
by maximo3491
2/10/07 - updated version now added

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 4:31 pm
by maximo3491
Update: V1.5 added on 2/15/07

Features added:
1. Better Graphics User Interface
2. Enter will now allow you to execute the gametype use (instead of pressing Choose)
3. Esc will minimize Auto Gametypes to the system tray
4. Renaming of the file will not interfere with the program
5. Right click on Tray icon for easy and fast options

Any suggestions please post here

Future Updates:
1. Auto Host (leave the game running as server and never worry about it ending)

Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2007 9:37 pm
by maximo3491
Update: V2.0 added on 2/19/07

Features added:
1. Over 60 more included gametypes
2. Tooltip notification for faster implementation
3. Get a list of all your compatible custom gametypes
4. Auto-Checking of whether or not you have the custom gametype you typed in
5. Included Auto Server (go to Help > Tech Specs for more info)

Any suggestions please post here

Future Updates:
1. Criteria based on radar or no radar

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 2:02 pm
by maximo3491
Update: V3.0 added on 2/22/07

Features added:
1. Better system of checking for a valid gametype when typing a custom gametype
2. The choice of whether or not to have radar (an addition of 84 gametypes, 168 in total)
3. A favorite feature, which compiles a list of your favorite gametypes
4. The list favorites feature which lists all your favorite gametypes (very similar to the list all feature)
5. Typing in a "?" into the custom gametype box will automatically execute the "list all" feature and typing in "!" automatically execute the "list favorites" feature
6. The merge of Auto Gametypes and Gametype mover. The Gametype mover is now the new "browse" feature in Auto Gametypes. It will move any outside custom gametype you have to a folder specifically designed to make it compatible with Auto Gametypes

Future Updates:
None as of now

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 2:21 pm
by maximo3491
there was a problem at first with V3.0 having no installer in it, i updated it, try now if u had a problem before, it should work fine

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 6:13 am
by RecycleBin
The only thing i didnt like about this is the 'weapons' thingymajig.
It's very limited. You need more than just "rockets,snipers,and heavy"
I was just angry at the no normal weapons is all\\

other then that its perfect

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 8:25 am
by maximo3491
pro weapons r normal, its the same thing, ar and pistol, the only change, is it takes fuel and flame off the map

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2007 9:36 pm
by maximo3491
Update: V4.0 added on 4/8/07

Features added:
1. This Auto Gametypes V4.0 includes more gametypes. These are the ones that are included with halo trial, yet not read by the program. In halo trial, only slayer and CTF is recognized. Now you can use all of them.
2. A new auto update feature.
3. Easier to install new updates. You will now not have to search for a folder, it will recognize where you installed Auto Gametypes last time, and will overwrite the old version.

Future Updates:
None as of now

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2007 7:48 pm
by Corvette19
Ombre wrote:I moved it here for you.
He's gotta have his recognition doesnt he!
Pretty nifty tool good thing i dont fool around with trial because im not too lazy to actually get up off my chair and go somewhere

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 8:17 am
by maximo3491
Update: V4.4 added on 4/14/07

Features added:
1. Many people never knew about the Halo Auto Server. Thus, I have put in a new menu button and icon option allowing you to start an Auto Server. What this does is this program will activate halo and then press enter for you in 10 second intervals. This allows for you to be away and let your server run indefinately, as long as this program is still running. Simply start a server, then click F12 and press the menu button reading "Start Auto Server" or right click on the tray icon and select "Start Auto Server." Make sure you read all the message boxes that show up, for you to know exactly how it works and how to stop it.

Future Updates:
None as of now

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 3:13 pm
by maximo3491
Update: V5.0 beta added on 4/19/07

Features added:
1. An addition of a screen shot feature. All you need to do is press Print Screen on your keyboard, and a picture file will automatically be created in the screen shots folder. This feature has been tested many times by me, but since many codes have been altered, problems may arise, so if you find any bug, please tell me immediately. Please also know that the screen shot feature will not work when the Auto Server is active.

Future Updates:
None as of now


Posted: Fri May 25, 2007 10:23 pm
by Ogsmog
I downloaded your file and installed it then when I try and run it it comes up witha window saying... "You have downloaded a new version of Auto Gametypes
Pleas install it now"
SO i pressed Okay

and then winrar with the install pops up? and i click on the install file and it says that it can't find the file?

Please help!

Posted: Tue May 29, 2007 8:20 pm
by maximo3491
yes im sry about that small problem, it happens on some computers, simply close winrar, go to ur desktop, and open it back up. It will b entitled "auto gametypes v_._" then run the install, and it should b fine. The newer version, everything 6.0 and up i believe, that wont happen anymore.

Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 4:32 am
by Ogsmog
Thanks for all the help. Problem is can't find my LAPTOP! ARGHH! :roll: :evil: :twisted: Darn It oh well I wil find it and use it on my Pc ! :P Thxs again!

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 11:36 am
by CerealKiller
WTF!!! NO FAIR!!!!! :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

I posted almost exact same program (except made by Dbl O Sven) and guess what, the topic gets LOCKED for "unlocking features within Halo Trial"!!! That is some BIASED JUDGEMENT! >.<
Locke wrote:Unlocking features within Halo Trial is agaisnt our policies. We support Bungie and Microsoft, and urge members to purchase the full copy of the game. Modifications such as this give people acsess to the full game without paying.

And for the record, I pioneered getting new gametypes into Halo Trial. But did I release my program? No...I did that over a year ago.

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2007 9:35 pm
by peow130
Lol, i was trying to DL urs too, can you email me the file if you still have it?

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2007 5:26 am
by assassinator
How do u use it????

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2007 10:51 pm
by maximo3491
you run Auto Gametypes, and when you see a Halo icon near your time, wait a bit for all the scripts to initiate, and press F12, then go to Help > How to and read all the guides in there