Altimit01 wrote:It actually keeps all of the internalized bitmaps and sounds by copying the entire raw section (which is where they are kept) into the new map. It's a nice shortcut for the semi-rebuild since I know that no changes to the bsp or models will take place during conversion. I was surprised to find that internalized bitmaps actually work with PC.
Maybe next time you will believe me when i say something works.
Halomods member wrote:tags meta? There is no such thing for Halo PC.
OrionWarrior wrote:I convert a AI CE map to PC, but i got an exception.
What map. A lot of times failures come for reasons other than a simple conversion. Biggest reason is usually a protected map (which Harbinger doesn't check for).
OrionWarrior wrote:I convert a AI CE map to PC, but i got an exception.
What map. A lot of times failures come for reasons other than a simple conversion. Biggest reason is usually a protected map (which Harbinger doesn't check for).
I was able to successfully convert it to a playable map. Make sure to use a stock maps folder and not touch any of the related files during the conversion process.
DeadHamster wrote:This is great. In 602 seconds I converted Hyrule Field to PC. When I download maps they never work on CE, including this one, but now it looks like I can make them work on PC instead. Thank you very much.
heh Scorpion, the truth is you don't have to
just take a CE map with all the bitmaps you want in it, make sure the header is right for PC, then rename that old map
SCORPION-396 wrote:I take it it can not convert the "" from pc to ce.
Why would it need to? Also the CE work in the Halo:pc game, it jsut makes everything seem corrupt due to the fact that it has differnt positions for each bitmap.
Nice, i thought most people forgot that info.
Halomods member wrote:tags meta? There is no such thing for Halo PC.
I'm getting the same exception with the mac version as dydomite0 was getting earlier: "An exception of class OutOfBoundsException was not handled. The application must shut down."
I have a completely untouched maps folder, the map is not protected (floodgulch), and I have also tried re-installing harbinger multiple times (on multiple different computers). I am on a macbook with leopard, and the other computer I tried was an iBook G4 with tiger.