It turns out the "Collision" of the vehicle hitting the level is managed by the Physics tag.
This application is made so you can Null out the different parts of the Collision.
I will say, right now it is somewhat of a "Brute" method so nulling out the wheels of the warthog may not be the best idea.
Code: Select all
This app is pretty easy to use, all you have to do is
Outside the app:
1. Extract the PHYSICS meta of either the Warthog or the Banshee (I will add more vehicles in the future.)
2. Put the meta somewhere you can find it easily
Inside the app
3. Check off the boxes of the collision you want to "null" out.
4. Click the "Null" button
5. You will be prompted with an open window, you may choose the meta file for either the Warthog or the Banshee. (Make sure you choose whichever one you checked boxes off for!)
6. Click OK
7. A "Complete" window will pop up to tell you it is done.
NOTE: You MAY choose options for more than one vehicle, You will be prompted with a window for the Warthog Meta first, and then the Banshee.
Mac (Universal Binary):
Hope you enjoy.