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Tool #

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 5:46 pm
by formlesstree4
Well, many of you have seen Tool++. Granted, it makes life easier, has some bugs. Well, in active development, is the newest GUI for tool.exe, Tool #!

Currently, it does 4 features:
1. Create your bitmaps
2. Build the Scenario Structure
3. Process Lightmaps
4. Build the map file

So far, it has no bugs. Using it is extremely simple! For all 4 functions, you just type in the name of your project, and it takes care of the rest. Sound too easy? Check out the screenshot.


The latest version is: 1.02, and the Build number is: 9.

You can download it here, attached to this post. A somewhat detailed readme is included to help you with understanding how this program works. Currently, it only supports map functions, to aid in map creation. Eventually, I'll add support for more as needed.

This requires .net framework 3.5 to use.

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 5:48 pm
by Andrew_b
Wow. :roll:

Wrong section...

Edit: But if I may make a suggestion. I suggest you make a browse button, that you hit, and adds the tag location automatically.

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 6:05 pm
by formlesstree4
How is this the wrong section? Halo PC.....oh.....oops.....*facepalm*

Can a mod move this to the halo CE utilities forum?

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 12:43 pm
by Corvette19
From what I see, I will still prefer to use Tool++
Make it better, not handicapped. -_-

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 10:01 pm
by formlesstree4
From what I see, I will still prefer to use Tool++
Make it better, not handicapped. -_-
Like I said, it's still in development..and what do you mean by not handicapped? This is aimed at new map developers, who have no clue how to use tool...