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Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 1:31 pm
by Tanasoo
The wait is finally over for 3DS max 9 and Gmax users for a Animation export tool for HEK! The scene setup is the same as for Blitzkrieg, and it is fully functional with Max 5+ and Gmax 1.2.

Code: Select all

/*			   Halo Animation eXporter script by Tanasoo	 	    */
/*			 	Compatible with 3ds max 5+ and Gmax 1.2				*/
/*						Current Version: 1.0B						*/
/*					  Installation instructions:						*/
/*	1)Place "Halo_Anim_eXporter.mcr" in the 3ds max (or Gmax) root  */
/*	  Directory \ui\macroscripts									*/
/*	2)Lanuch 3DS max (or Gmax, duh ;)) Then click "Customize>		*/
/*	  Customize User Interface" Then Click the "Toolbars" tab and 	*/
/*	  from the "Category" drop down list select "HAX" Now from the 	*/
/*	  list, just drag "Halo Animation eXporter" to any toolbar you 	*/
/*	  like, Hit the button and enjoy!								*/
/*							Instructions:							*/
/*	This script will export nodes with both "frame" and "Bip01"		*/
/*	prefixes. It will ignore anything that is not liked to the frame*/
/*	and any object starting with "#" linked to the bones. 			*/
/*	***Make sure to un-link or delete any nodes that do not start 	*/
/*	with "#" form the parent Frame before exporting!!!***			*/
/*																	*/
/*	1)Delete any objects (including skinned mesh) as stated above	*/
/*	2)Enter desired Node List Checksum. This can be found in the 	*/
/*	.gbxmodel tag in Guerilla (near the bottom)						*/
/*	3) Select export mode. (File only works with 3DS MAX)			*/
/*	4)Hit Export!													*/
That's pretty much it :D If you run into any bugs, just post 'em here. Its my first export script, so I hope there aren't TOO many :wink:

Version 1.2B in now up! Now it's not toxic to ANYONE!!! :lol: I fixed a few minor bugs, too...

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 1:49 pm
by Super_Sunny
You are amazing <3 Good work my friend

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 1:52 pm
by GametagAeonFlux
Nice work Tanasoo, catchy name too. :P

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 6:07 pm
by Tanasoo
Thanks! It was actually going to be HEK Animation Exporter as first, but I was just staring at the monitor one time when I was trying to figure out how to setup the Child/ sibling relations ad I read it out of the corner of my eye as Hek Animation eXporter... Then I changed it to Halo for some reason... :roll: Besides, names like that get people's attention XD.

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 7:23 pm
by TomClancey
Woh, finally released this. Great job!

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 10:40 am
by Tanasoo
I actually just found a big bug in the script that happens with larger hierarchies, like FP animations, and Bipeds ( I tested with smaller amounts of nodes). This bug causes the nodes to "explode"... I have located the problem, and I'm working on it right now, It'll be back up soon. Sorry for the delay

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 10:28 am
by Tanasoo
OK I fixed all of the *known* bugs... And it should work for bipeds AND FP animations, too. 8)

Posted: Thu May 10, 2007 11:12 am
by demonmaster3k
this really really helps (now i just need to figure out how to remove the blackened backfacing faces in max 9 for lv design)

thanks to you i can finally throw out that copy of max 8 i have.

Posted: Thu May 10, 2007 1:13 pm
by TomClancey
Why would you "throw" out a copy of 3ds max 8? That's like throwing 4 grand out the window. Sure it's not needed since you have 9, but why throw it away? (Though I doubt you did buy Max 8 and 9).

Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2007 9:03 pm
i get the following error when attempting to compile animations in tool:

10.20.07 22:01:23 tool pc ----------------------------------------------
10.20.07 22:01:23 reference function: _write_to_error_file
10.20.07 22:01:23 reference address: 42ca20
10.20.07 22:01:23 Couldn't read map file './'
10.20.07 22:01:23 EAX: 0x0000001A
10.20.07 22:01:23 EBX: 0x00189373
10.20.07 22:01:23 ECX: 0x7FFFFFFE
10.20.07 22:01:23 EDX: 0x003C3BE3
10.20.07 22:01:23 EDI: 0x00607A6A
10.20.07 22:01:23 ESI: 0x0012EE1C
10.20.07 22:01:23 EBP: 0x0012EE68
10.20.07 22:01:23 ESP: 0x0012EDDC
10.20.07 22:01:23 EIP: 0x005F6358, 80 38 00 74 ?????

Please help me fix it!!

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2007 8:33 am
by Jay_Shisky
I made a testing lift using GMAX and HAX.

I make the sub tree like so,


I export the jms using chimp. (I have to assing a tecture to Frame_Lift or it will not compile)

Then I delite Lift_Post, and Lift and export using HAX.

I compile them all and make a scenery.

when i try to put it in sapien it gives me a message that says something like,

"the Scenery\Test\test animation does not match scenery\test\test gbxmodel.

The scenery will not animate"

I realy need help.