Code: Select all
/* Halo Animation eXporter script by Tanasoo */
/* Compatible with 3ds max 5+ and Gmax 1.2 */
/* Current Version: 1.0B */
/* Installation instructions: */
/* 1)Place "Halo_Anim_eXporter.mcr" in the 3ds max (or Gmax) root */
/* Directory \ui\macroscripts */
/* 2)Lanuch 3DS max (or Gmax, duh ;)) Then click "Customize> */
/* Customize User Interface" Then Click the "Toolbars" tab and */
/* from the "Category" drop down list select "HAX" Now from the */
/* list, just drag "Halo Animation eXporter" to any toolbar you */
/* like, Hit the button and enjoy! */
/* Instructions: */
/* This script will export nodes with both "frame" and "Bip01" */
/* prefixes. It will ignore anything that is not liked to the frame*/
/* and any object starting with "#" linked to the bones. */
/* ***Make sure to un-link or delete any nodes that do not start */
/* with "#" form the parent Frame before exporting!!!*** */
/* */
/* 1)Delete any objects (including skinned mesh) as stated above */
/* 2)Enter desired Node List Checksum. This can be found in the */
/* .gbxmodel tag in Guerilla (near the bottom) */
/* 3) Select export mode. (File only works with 3DS MAX) */
/* 4)Hit Export! */
Version 1.2B in now up! Now it's not toxic to ANYONE!!! I fixed a few minor bugs, too...