kylethegreat wrote:
Please, correct me if i'm wrong.
Very well.
You must be reffering to the easter egg xbox had imput and had hinted to previously? Well, that's not it, what you see is a bug, it happens on Metropolis as well, and on TheSwapFox's Gate mod. I'l get the real easter egg in a few minutes.
Edit: On page 35:
jordanimal wrote:Thats old news to me. Press Right thumb stick, y, and b and it makes that pop up.
I found it while I was using the trainer for taking pics of my hog wars map. If I still had the pic I would post it.
baseball1332 wrote:I bet there are more than just that!
Nah...I was actually going to make a new skull set with a bunch of extra effects but I never got around to doing so, the CLuis thing was left in by accident ;P
Hawaiian Modder wrote:Yeah, theres no way a bug could spell out the CLuis hotline thing.
I wasn't saying that was a bug, I meant the thing with the player being invisible and it's model hovering high in the sky on certain levels was a bug. Then I posted the real easter egg when I edited my post.
Hawaiian Modder wrote:Yeah, theres no way a bug could spell out the CLuis hotline thing.
I wasn't saying that was a bug, I meant the thing with the player being invisible and it's model hovering high in the sky on certain levels was a bug. Then I posted the real easter egg when I edited my post.
that is what happens when you have the blind skull
Ketchup_Bomb wrote:Wait, wait, wait.I am not leet modder here, in fact, I am a noob * 10.
BUT, if you have five apples, and add two oranges to it, why would you have less apples?..
kylethegreat wrote:
Please, correct me if i'm wrong.
Very well.
You must be reffering to the easter egg xbox had imput and had hinted to previously? Well, that's not it, what you see is a bug, it happens on Metropolis as well, and on TheSwapFox's Gate mod. I'l get the real easter egg in a few minutes.
Edit: On page 35:
jordanimal wrote:Thats old news to me. Press Right thumb stick, y, and b and it makes that pop up.
I found it while I was using the trainer for taking pics of my hog wars map. If I still had the pic I would post it.
thats the "uber top-secret feature" that xbox was referring to?
Any one had a problem where every time you start campaign and take a step, your guy's model dissapears? I'm not a noob at Yelo. It has worked fine for a while now, but...
Respect not the man who makes 100 mod in 1 hour, but respect the man who makes 1 mod in 100 hours!
Violence isn't the answer; it's the question, and the answer is yes
h2modmaster wrote:Any one had a problem where every time you start campaign and take a step, your guy's model dissapears? I'm not a noob at Yelo. It has worked fine for a while now, but...
If you would have read a few posts on this page you would have found out that yes, everybody has that problem. It happens on Burial Mounds as well.
Shadow_Dog wrote:so what do i have to do take pictures??
Should you have read the instructions that came with Yelo, you would have found White+back is the control for screencap.
ok look no one has helped me yet, and its been like 2 weeks so yah my question was does anyone know why i cant use the screencap feature anymore i can still use everything else i just cant use the screencap thingy... plz help
IKP1SAT wrote:ok look no one has helped me yet, and its been like 2 weeks so yah my question was does anyone know why i cant use the screencap feature anymore i can still use everything else i just cant use the screencap thingy... plz help
i figured on burial mounds the weird thing is actually the first person models floating high in the sky and about 100 times it size.. there's nothin wrong with it, except it looks a little bit odd.. change it to 3rd person and you'll have a gigantic body in the air about 2 x the size of the pizzacutter thing.