hey, sometimes when i pick coordinates in maps, i will end up miles away from the map and cant move, but when i pick the coodinates i m still in the map bounderies, a bug or m i just making a too big of z coordinate which just screws it up???
Oink. Oink. I am the nicest guy you will ever know...
this is one of my favorite apps so far, because it is really simple, and can change the way the maps are played. if you're taking any suggestions, make this for items/weapons/vehicles too. thatd be king! thanks for this app!!!
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Vandal pir8 wrote:this is one of my favorite apps so far, because it is really simple, and can change the way the maps are played. if you're taking any suggestions, make this for items/weapons/vehicles too. thatd be king! thanks for this app!!!
Hummmm How so for items like what would you move them to i could easly do that in a matter of 30min but the question is. IS what would i do. would i move each item to the same spot. If i do that the objects would over load. Humm ill have to think about this one. Also
srry guys but im really new to this spawn stuff and i just got the prgram and i wanna change my spawnpoint on headlong to outside the map but im confused with this and i dotn knwo what to do...
Thank you so much i was looking for those mvf file things forever anyway can anyone help me do this i want to spawn out of the maps. is there a good tutorial. also what do i need to put objects out of the map as well
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