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Adding Seats To Banshee or Ghost

Posted: Sat May 31, 2008 7:01 am
by CallmeFunky
I know ImaBeast made one of these already but the pics in his post did not work so i'm reposting with correct pictures.
ImaBeast wrote:ok first off heres what you need
HMT v3.5
I'll do the banshee for you guys

Open up HHT and open a map Im gonna Try Bloodgulch
goto the vehicle tag and select Warthog, or rwarthog

swap everything so your final results ahve to look like this


then open up HMT and goto the vehicles tag
and select whichever hog you used
and select seat 0
then change its name from W-driver to B-driver
If you don't want a gunner seat then do the following
select seat 2 and change its name from W-gunner to W-xxxxxx

for some odd reason if you leave the actual tag to a 'shee, then it flips out when you get in. so you might want to change this


you can do this to pretty much any vehicle