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How to make cool multiplayer easter eggs

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 7:24 am
by Philly
Here is a list of some easter eggs which you may find useful, especially if you are rebuilding a map.

The 'Secret Room'
Difficulty: Easy
Level type: Multiplayer only

This one is a classic. It is basically a secret room or area that you wouldn't normally go into. Some people have teleporters going into them, or make them out of logs, ect... Inside the secret room is usually another easter egg, for example, lots of powerups and equipment. They can be made easily in Sparkedit.
  • 1) Open your desired map in Sparkedit.
    2) Find a place where you want your 'secret room' to be.
    3) If the area is not hidden already, duplicate some scenery to make walls.
    4) Copy your favouite weapons, equipment and powerups to the area.
    5) Dont forget a way in and out! Create two teleporter pairs to solve this, put the entrance in a place that only you know!
    6) Open the map in Halo and see how it plays. Check for any bugs.
NOTE: This egg is online friendly, and makes a great addition to matches if you put one per team!

The Music Box
Difficulty: Medium (needs knowledge of PMI)
Level type: Both, if you are clever enough!

I'm not sure if I'm the first to do this, but it's a cool idea. You end up with a piece of scenery that plays part of the Halo soundtrack when you are close to it.
  • 1) Batch extract your map, and do everything that you would normally do for a PMI.
    2) Browse to 'Build\scenery\c_uplink' (you need to have this in your map already, if it is not, PMI it in like any other item)
    3) Copy the two files 'c_uplink.scen.meta' and 'c_uplink.scen.xml', and paste them into the folder that you are in.
    4) Rename the files to 'music box.scen.meta' and 'music box.scen.xml'.
    5) Open up the new file, 'music box.scen.xml' in notepad.
    6) Look at the first six lines. They should read something like this:

    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <!--Halo Map Tools: Metadata Structure File-->
    <Map>Death Island</Map>

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 2:59 pm
by Andrew_b
The secret room doest necessarily be in just mp.

Also nice music box idea.i would be sure to remodel it.

Good job though.