Cool weapons

Tutorials for the PC version of Halo 1.
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Cool weapons

Post by balsacteabaga »

RED ROCKET!!! (lol)
Go to mgs2
Change the length of the effect to 1.
Change the A on bothe areas to one.
Make B ang G 0
MAke red 1
Banshee noob counter device (hooray for real players)
Counter banshee noobs with the power of a hog noob effectivley, and you dont have to join either crowd.
Change the projectile of the plasma rifle charged bolt, to warthog,
and in the projectile spawn point from (1) in the plasma pistols weapn
slot, add 99999 for X spawn coordinate. Now charge your plasma pistol, aim toward banshee and release. Boom. They get get hit out of the air by a hog. They will never be able to figure out wtf happened.
STOP IN THE NAME OF LOVE ..... wait what, hold on wrong text, okay here we are,
Go to particle system.
Got to frag grenade explosion.
Change radius to 12 and add 30 to the slot above it.
Then you save.
Go to the projectile tab, and go to frag greande.
Where it says time , or fuse or delay or whatever you have,
put 12. Now count to 10 after throwing for a bigger explosion.
Go back out and change The damage as you wish.
Try again and it will make i to 11 seconds. (dont know why, but it doesent work fully till second try.)

I know these arent so good, but maybe it will help someone, and I had a little time on my hands to do something constructive and helpful.
So enjoy.
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