Found this on the forums today! man i was such a noob back then. i have learned so much in my teachings from DECOY, it's unbelievable. If you need any help what-so-ever with anything pertaining to halo pc modding, you ask me, either through AIM or PM, it doesn't matter. I'm still a little rusty on PMI'ing and CE>PC convo's, but rest assured, once i get used to HMT again, i'll start seeing the light once more.Tutorial By Xiion
Ok first things first. you will need these items: Halo pc, Rad Video tools, and OGG converter.
Ogg Converter <<that is ogg converter.
Rad Video tools <<that is the rad video tools download site.
ok first thigns first. install it. then go to start, all programs or programs, click bink and smacker, go to rad video tools. open it. ok. go to C:/program files/Microsoft Games/Halo.
You should see bungie.bik. goto mix in sounds (should be right by a button that says bink it. next. you will see at the top page, 2 boxes. the first one is here you put in sound. the second one is the files name. go to the first box, click browse. go to my documents, my music (or wherever you put your music files.) and double click on a sound file, anyone you want. now, to the right of the 2 boxes from where you see teh browse boxes, you should see somestuff that say batch, and mix. Click the mix button. wait for it to finish. click play right by the done button and watch
the opening. im working on a import your own opening movie tut right now so i hope this helps everyone!
EDIT: If you want to edit main menu music, you have to save the sound file in HMT if you can find it. then you gotta convert it to a .wav file even though it is one. after that, you make it a bink file, and put in music, then convert back to a .wav file, and import the track over the main menu music in HMT.
Also, PM me if you need help with anything.
Now, for ogg converter. Open up HMT V3.5.
2.)Open up
3.) go to (snd!)Sounds
4.)go to tile1 and go to the first file at the bottom and hit save track not save chunk.
5.) open up Ogg converter, go to mpeg or mp3.
6.)click add files... go to any music file you would like, and double click it.
now there should be a checkbox next to the file you jsut double clicked, check it so it is now a black box.
7.)click next and go to .ogg.
8.) additional option, if you want it to loop, than save it as .wav
9.)after it is done, go back to hmtv3.5 and go to import track if it is .ogg or if it is .wav than go to import chunk and put it in for the numbers by sliding the bar a number at a time and importing for each number.
that should help! i hope this tut saves everyone and makes some good mods! I am Xiion, and i figured this all by myself!
CryticFarm and I are going to start a mod team separate from PM7 so we both can share our experience and bring you great mods, the likes of which have never been (hopefully) attempted.
Thanks for reading everyone!