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frags and plasma nades explode on impact

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2007 8:45 pm
(must have that plugin pack that everybody already has(the 60's plugin pack thingy)) okay this is how to make nades explode on impact. ahem...... open HMT (don't know what HMT is......... then jump off a cliff your so stupid) and open any and i mean any map that you want. Go to the projectile tag and click on it! duh! now we are going to start with the plasma grenade first. ready..okay!! go to the plasma grenade tag and look to the right(if you know what direction that is) and you will see something that says in english "Detonation Timer Starts". Now take you're cursor and and check or dot the circle that says... ahem..."After First Bounce". Okay once you checked that congrats you passed the first step:) the Arming Time should already be at 0 and if not then put it to 0!!! now the timer is not for when it will explode, it is for how many seconds it will explode when it has stuck to a poor motherless grunt. so you can either set the timer higher or lower. it does not matter to me! Now where it says Min Velocity put this number down 1000 in words that number is one thousand! der!! now scroll down a bit to where it says physics and go to where it says initial velocity and put it at 1000 and do the same for final velocity! now click save and bam!!! you have a plasma that travels the speed of light and explodes on impact:)

now for the frag.... Ahem!!..... go down to projectile tag and clickith on frag grenade. set the arming time to 0! and where it says timer and timer to set both those at 0!!! now put min velocity at 1000! good!!! now for the final step put both initial and final velocity at 1000 and save and yer done!!! now go test and if it does not work than die!!!!!!!!

if more questons just PM me or aim dudeisme! also please tell me if this worked for you!

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 10:53 am
by MeanMarine
Cool, but how do I make it to where they DON'T explode on impact? Sorry, I'm a newb at this modding stuff, but I'm getting there. :)

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 11:21 am
by ducktape
MeanMarine wrote:Cool, but how do I make it to where they DON'T explode on impact? Sorry, I'm a newb at this modding stuff, but I'm getting there. :)
they already dont explode on impact. thats the point of modding it so it will explode on impact........


Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 11:31 am
ducktape wrote:
MeanMarine wrote:Cool, but how do I make it to where they DON'T explode on impact? Sorry, I'm a newb at this modding stuff, but I'm getting there. :)
they already dont explode on impact. thats the point of modding it so it will explode on impact........


he's got a point.

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 12:10 pm
by Andrew_b
lol yeah he time i modded a grenade to explode after about 6 it was more realistic.

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 2:22 pm
Andrew_b wrote:lol yeah he time i modded a grenade to explode after about 6 it was more realistic.
yeah but i was not going for realistic. i just wanted to tell the way so people didn't have to swap the grenade for a tank shell if they wanted an explosion on impact. so i got the nades to explode on contact with the speed of a tank shell and also without modding the weight of the nade:)

anyway if i was going for realisitc that would have been very very simple!

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 3:00 pm
by reanimation-06
lol throwing nades at light speed and making them explode on impact will just turn them into any explosive guns... its that quality that makes them nades that they dont go fast like bullets and explode on impact... so why go to all the trouble when u could get a rl, change prj speed to 9999 and fire it?

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 3:11 pm
reanimation-06 wrote:lol throwing nades at light speed and making them explode on impact will just turn them into any explosive guns... its that quality that makes them nades that they dont go fast like bullets and explode on impact... so why go to all the trouble when u could get a rl, change prj speed to 9999 and fire it?
see i didn't post this tut so you can tell a diff way of doing it or just how it makes the nade similar to a guns projectile. this was made to simply let the player know that they aren't shooting an explosive bullet but rather a grenade is what they are "throwing". now if you take the nade and swap it with a bullet then there would be no special significance to it! but in this case you are throwing it. plus you don't have to edit the initial and final velocity, you can just have the nade explode on impact without the speed. and this was also to show that editing the final and initial velocity would not make the nade just go on forever that there was a way to get pass that problem. the speed and the explosion on impact was just the final outcome, the point of this was for noobs too but also to give modders a better idea of HMT and how it works! so there!

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 7:43 pm
by reanimation-06
MR.PINK wrote:
reanimation-06 wrote:lol throwing nades at light speed and making them explode on impact will just turn them into any explosive guns... its that quality that makes them nades that they dont go fast like bullets and explode on impact... so why go to all the trouble when u could get a rl, change prj speed to 9999 and fire it?
see i didn't post this tut so you can tell a diff way of doing it or just how it makes the nade similar to a guns projectile. this was made to simply let the player know that they aren't shooting an explosive bullet but rather a grenade is what they are "throwing". now if you take the nade and swap it with a bullet then there would be no special significance to it! but in this case you are throwing it. plus you don't have to edit the initial and final velocity, you can just have the nade explode on impact without the speed. and this was also to show that editing the final and initial velocity would not make the nade just go on forever that there was a way to get pass that problem. the speed and the explosion on impact was just the final outcome, the point of this was for noobs too but also to give modders a better idea of HMT and how it works! so there!
well ok...
so from this tut we have happily learned:
1 the grenade speed and range can be edited...
2 the grenade timer can be adjusted...

for number 2 fine it teaches us a very important and crucial lesson about hmt, but for number one, you should try explaining what you are doing...
ppl who read it will just copy over what you are doing, but without knowing how it changes the nades... (related to the infinite question: "Zomg!! Dude wtf is wrong??? My sniper shoots the plasma grenade but it just falls down and sticks to my foot... What do i dooooo?")

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 9:14 am
reanimation-06 wrote:
MR.PINK wrote:
reanimation-06 wrote:lol throwing nades at light speed and making them explode on impact will just turn them into any explosive guns... its that quality that makes them nades that they dont go fast like bullets and explode on impact... so why go to all the trouble when u could get a rl, change prj speed to 9999 and fire it?
see i didn't post this tut so you can tell a diff way of doing it or just how it makes the nade similar to a guns projectile. this was made to simply let the player know that they aren't shooting an explosive bullet but rather a grenade is what they are "throwing". now if you take the nade and swap it with a bullet then there would be no special significance to it! but in this case you are throwing it. plus you don't have to edit the initial and final velocity, you can just have the nade explode on impact without the speed. and this was also to show that editing the final and initial velocity would not make the nade just go on forever that there was a way to get pass that problem. the speed and the explosion on impact was just the final outcome, the point of this was for noobs too but also to give modders a better idea of HMT and how it works! so there!
well ok...
so from this tut we have happily learned:
1 the grenade speed and range can be edited...
2 the grenade timer can be adjusted...

for number 2 fine it teaches us a very important and crucial lesson about hmt, but for number one, you should try explaining what you are doing...
ppl who read it will just copy over what you are doing, but without knowing how it changes the nades... (related to the infinite question: "Zomg!! Dude wtf is wrong??? My sniper shoots the plasma grenade but it just falls down and sticks to my foot... What do i dooooo?")
Well i should think anybody with common sense would know. And you know what you are exactly right. but all this pertains to common sense, i mean you don't need to explain to a child how to breath do you? so what would you think editing the "final and initial speed" is doing to the grenade... making it go faster... right!! oh and would you look at that i just found out you don't have to edit the range...duh why didn't i make sure of that?lol. anyway i just look at it as common sense. i mean you got the idea right? see your right about explaing it to the incapable but even to the little capable it would make sense i should think. and now to make a change to my tut, a step that has ne need to be taken:]

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 9:22 am
by reanimation-06
indeed... but as we all know, humanity has a huge lack of common sense... otherwise, who knows how far we would have come...

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 11:09 pm
by {N}Nawuto
I think the newb means how to make it so it NEVER explodes what idiots