BSP Conversion with C#MT
Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 8:43 pm
This was made by Tyler777
What You Need
Hex Editor
A Brain And Patincse
1. Make 2 folders name one "Main Map Data" Name the other what the CE map your Taking the BSP from
2. Open the CE map you want to convert the BSP to Mac in hexedit or any hexeditor
3. at the top of the header you should see 62 02 00 00 change it to 07 00 00 00 and close hex
4 open the Ce map in C#MT
5. Chech the recursive check box
6. batch extract to the CE map folder u made in step 1
7. Place the map your converting the BSP to in the "Main Map Data" Folder you made in step one
8. Open it in C#MT
9. check the recursive box like in step 5
10. batch extract to main map data folder you made in step 1
11.after that finished keep C#MT open
12. go to funktions and choose rebuid map
13. choose map
14. do not click build yet!!!!! we are not done!!!!
15. open the CE map folder go to levels/CE map/rename SBSP from CE name to the name of the map your converting it to
16. go through and and copyeverything in senery to the apropriate place in the main folder
17. go through and check and make sure you place anything to do with BSP in the main folder
18. and replace original!!
19. click build
20. wait 30min to 2hours for rebuild to finish (depending on BSP your converting it may take longer)
offtopic i did Coagulation for bloodgulch on a demo map since i acsidenly replaces my Halo Full with a mod lol
*On topic*
i may have left some stuff out because some things are difrent with difrent CE BSPs you convert
have fun this is my first written tutorial (useually do video tutorials)
What You Need
Hex Editor
A Brain And Patincse
1. Make 2 folders name one "Main Map Data" Name the other what the CE map your Taking the BSP from
2. Open the CE map you want to convert the BSP to Mac in hexedit or any hexeditor
3. at the top of the header you should see 62 02 00 00 change it to 07 00 00 00 and close hex
4 open the Ce map in C#MT
5. Chech the recursive check box
6. batch extract to the CE map folder u made in step 1
7. Place the map your converting the BSP to in the "Main Map Data" Folder you made in step one
8. Open it in C#MT
9. check the recursive box like in step 5
10. batch extract to main map data folder you made in step 1
11.after that finished keep C#MT open
12. go to funktions and choose rebuid map
13. choose map
14. do not click build yet!!!!! we are not done!!!!
15. open the CE map folder go to levels/CE map/rename SBSP from CE name to the name of the map your converting it to
16. go through and and copyeverything in senery to the apropriate place in the main folder
17. go through and check and make sure you place anything to do with BSP in the main folder
18. and replace original!!
19. click build
20. wait 30min to 2hours for rebuild to finish (depending on BSP your converting it may take longer)
offtopic i did Coagulation for bloodgulch on a demo map since i acsidenly replaces my Halo Full with a mod lol
*On topic*
i may have left some stuff out because some things are difrent with difrent CE BSPs you convert
have fun this is my first written tutorial (useually do video tutorials)