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Model Importing from FP (First Person) to 3rd Person

Posted: Sun May 27, 2007 8:53 am
by Greno
It's easy all you'll need is Halo Hacker Tools v5 (HHTv5)
and Halo Map Tools v3.5 (HMT3.5)

Ok lets say you imported a Battle Rifle model for Assault Rifle but if was only for weapons\assault rifle\fp\assault rifle_fp and you couldn't import to
weapons\assault rifle\fp\assault rifle so here's how you do it

1. Import a model into a weapon for first person (fp) with HMT3.5 (don't forget to Save.)

2. Open the map you imported the model to and go to weapons section.

3. Now select the weapon you imported the model to
(fp/first person isn't gonna be in there).

4. Open up the Denency Swapper or something spelled like that.

5. There should be "mod2 - weapons\<weapon name>" on the top.
(if your wondering the <weapon name> thing is where the weapon you imported the model goes to.)

6. Now swap it to
"mod2 - weapons\<weapon name>\fp\<weapon name>_fp"

7. Save and move/copy the map to Halo's Maps folder.

8. Start-up Halo halo start-up the map you import the model to.

NOTE: This will not work if you imported the assault rifle model and swap the pistol to the assault rifle fp and the other mod2 to assault rifle again, you won't get exception but when you pick the weapon you wont see anything but firing bullets.

Screenshots will come soon. For those of you that are confused (you'll mostly likey be cause I'm very bad at explaining.

Posted: Sun May 27, 2007 9:31 am
by auerhantheman1
This needed a tutorial why? And also, to get the assault rifle fp model into the pistol fp, just swap the antr as well as the mod2 :?

Posted: Sun May 27, 2007 11:43 am
by FanTasY
auerhantheman1 wrote:This needed a tutorial why? And also, to get the assault rifle fp model into the pistol fp, just swap the antr as well as the mod2 :?
Um... it's a tutorial on how to make the third person model look like the first person one, and it's actually pretty useful, considering a lot of people will ask from time to time about it. The only downside to swapping fp models with third person one's are the fact that the weapons will then be positioned as if someone was holding it and will then sink into the ground.

Posted: Sun May 27, 2007 12:38 pm
by Greno
Actually it's the other way around fantasy and yes it is very useful for model importing if you dont have the model for 3rd person mode. And your right it does sink into the ground lol.

Posted: Mon May 28, 2007 11:36 pm
by Andrew_b
no he has it swaps the 3rd to the FP

Posted: Wed May 30, 2007 1:43 pm
by Greno
Dude this is my tutorial i know what if does lol

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2007 7:52 am
by Greno
Sry ur rite im stupid