{tut}how to do some things with HMT

Tutorials for the PC version of Halo 1.
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{tut}how to do some things with HMT

Post by ihatecompviruses123 »

Hello all and welcome to my tutorial. It is to tell you how to do advanced things
in Halo Map Tools.This is NOT a photo tutorial.
a brain(good computer educated one)
Halo Map Tools 3.5
any Image editing program(paint,photoshop,arcsoft photo studio 2003)
let's start now.
Shooting Fully Charged Plasma Shots out of any gun
- Ok what you need to do first is open HMT (and a map) and expand the proj section
- Then select "weapons/{gun name}/{projectile name} and click it once
- Then go up to the top where it says "swap"
- Then select the projectile you want and hit save not save meta

Making The Warthog Speed
- Open HMT again(and open a map)
- Go down and expand the Vehi section
- select warthog_mp for regular warthog or rwarthog for rocket warthog
- Click it once
- look for a box (on the right) that says acceleration
- edit the acceleration(note:this is also how you edit other vehicles)

- ok first off open HMT(and a map)and select the bitmaps sextion and expand it
- select the bitmap you want
- click it once
- look on the right to see what it looks like
- click save texture and save it somewhere where you can remember
- Then open DXTBmp
- go up to file then select open
- go to where you saved it
- make sure it says for the filetype you want to open is DDS texture
- open it
- go to file and select save as
- when it says to save,make sure the filetype you want to save it as is 24 bitmap(or somethin like it) not extended bitmap
- save it somewhere
- open the image editing program
- edit it
- save it somewhere(save it the sameplace as the original .dds file
- open DXTBmp
- click file then open
- open the .bmp
- click file then save as again
- make sure to save it as a .dds and when it says to overwrite the original do it
- open HMT and expand the bitmap section again
- select the bitmap you want
- click the box on the right that says inject texture
- open the edited .dds
- it should work
- test it to see if it worked

Here is some more tutorials

Making a Golden Gun,like the real James Bond One
- Ok first,open HMT(and a map)
- then expand the bitmap section
- and then click on the cyborg cubemap(it should be the first bitmap)
- click save texture
- select the pistol bitmap
- and click inject texture
- then select the cyborg reflection armor
- and then it should have a box saying yes or no
- select yes(don't worry it doesn't cause an exception)
- then select and expand the jpt! section
- select weapons/pistol/bullet and click it once
- go to the side and select the thing that says maximum damage
- set all the things that say maximum damage to 1000
- it should work so test it ingame

How to make possessed Warthogs
- open HMT(and a map)
- open the vehicle section
- select the warthog
- set max speed to somethin high
- test in game
- to test it,get in a hog,go real fast,then get out
- the hog moving foward

Making vehicles Fly(only for the warthogs)
- open HMT and a map
- expand the vehi section
- click a vehicle
- on the upper right you'll see a little bubble area
- change(vehicle name) to pelican

This is my Xfire.If you are a registered member of this board,send me a friend request. :)
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