PC] How to give things more detail

Tutorials for the PC version of Halo 1.
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PC] How to give things more detail

Post by Zenaku213 »

In this tutorial i will be teaching u how to give objects more detail.

For this im going to use the assult rifle.
1. Go to models and then to assult rifle in HHTv5.
2. Youll now see multiple shader dependcies
3.Now i will be going to [soso] and going down to weapons\assult rifle\fp\shaders\gun.
4. Youll see that there are 4 bitm dependcies but one of them is nulled and thats the one were changing.
5. I wanna give the assult rifle a kinda of corred look like the kind on the vehicles to look kinda scrathed up. So pull donw the box for the nulled out dependcy and locate vehicles\banshee\bitmaps\detial banshee or characters\cyborg\bitmaps\detail corroded metal light and swap the dependcy.
6.Now youll wanna do this for anypart of the object that you want detailed since there are multiple shaders.
CLuis wrote:Being goth is a disease.
All those losers in gym must have it then.
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