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[pc]easy-civie hog-removing antenna-flames come out of wheel

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2005 5:19 am
by xbox
go here and download the model pack open hmtv3.5 then open the map u want then go to mod2 then click on the warthog then click on the 2 thing on the list which is hull (0) then click import model then go to the folder u saved models to then go to vehicles then warthog then civilian warthog and open it
then dl this then go to the bitmaps section of hmtv3.5 then go to warthog and then click inject texture and go to the bitmap i made for u and open it
now go to warthog tires and inject the wheel texture i put in there
then copy this into address bar

Code: Select all

dl this, find the file called coll and copy and paste it into your hmtv3.5 plugins folder
now open hmt go to the collision model branch then warthog and in the right corner hit the arrow and go to 1 and click off and do same for numbers 7,8, and 13
now go to the vehicles branch of hmt and go to warthog then click the arrow at bottom right and select 2 under it it should say W-gunner delete that text and replace it with xxxx . now go to bitmaps section go to levels\a10\bitmaps\cryo glass then look in top left and copy the meta then go to vehicles\warthog\bitmaps\warthog chain gun and paste what u copied in the meta box for the warthog chain gun
and your done :D :D
it should look like this when your done:
Also if u want the antenna removed this is what you do
open hhtv5 then go to the vehicles branch then warthog and select warthog antenna and make it nulled out and its gone :D
tut for making flames come from under wheels:
open hmtv3.5 go to the effects branch then go to
weapons\flamethrower\effects\flame char and copy the meta numbers the go to effects\vehicle effects\slip sand and paste the meta and save
now flames will come out of the wheels on any vehicle when it moves and when and vehcle moves on the sand

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2005 6:04 am
by Kaos
Good Job! Finally the warthog looks speedworthy. :wink:

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2005 7:15 am
by xbox
Kaos wrote:Good Job! Finally the warthog looks speedworthy. :wink:
ya i know it makes it look so much better with red and tire in back
and with those wheels

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2005 7:17 am
There are already 2 tutorials here for removing the turret and removing the turret seat. Sorry.

By the way, your current hog skin is fugly. :roll:

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2005 7:18 am
by xbox
RaVNzCRoFT wrote:There are already 2 tutorials here for removing the turret and removing the turret seat. Sorry.

By the way, your current hog skin is fugly. :roll:
do they show how to put wheel in the back? and it was a quik 3 minute skin

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 4:27 pm
by ferrari24
Re-upload the plugin please!

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 6:12 pm
by xbox
u cant put anmgel fire as reg links ill upload to filefront tommarow