Hexing Vehicle and Weapon Names

Tutorials for the PC version of Halo 1.
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Post by M715ForLife »

EDIT, Never mind!

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Post by JawaKing »

Kewl, thanks for the tut. I got it to work, buuuuut...with some stuff, like the assault rifle which I renamed 'burrito stick', it doesnt come up like that. it comes up with burrto stick and when i pick up ammo, its burito stick. I dont get why it does that. It is the same amount of letters as the original. Can anyone help?
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Post by Altimit01 »

You might have messed up and typed a character into where a null character (00) should be. Double check it in the hex editor and make sure between every character and space there's a byte that reads 00.

This is the correct hex for burrito stick:

Code: Select all

62 00 75 00 72 00 72 00 69 00 74 00 6f 00 20 00 73 00 74 00 69 00 63 00 6b 00
Or if you don't want to mess with hex for this, you could try this method. Yes it does work for windows.
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