Misc: How not to get an Exception
y r u guys bumping old topics?
I used to be thearbiter but i can't post with that account so i had to make a new one.
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This is not considered bumping, it's the tutorials section, if they need help or have problems/comments about the tutorials they can reply. Also this is a great tutorial for people who are new to modding/pmi'ing as they tend to get frustrated with exceptions.halohax wrote:y r u guys bumping old topics?
Exception Error
When I mod, I mod. I have been working on a mod (redoing the map from every excpect) I get an exception error when I inject a .obj or object modle. This is caused even when all gameplays are accepted and all weapons are modded. I think this is because of how it starts out with the map settings (weapons on map, startying weapon, ect) on the game types. Is there any way to change the weapon types choices so it loads properly?
JK-47 wrote:They just want to live in a fantasy world that Exceptions can go away.Patrickssj6 wrote:Thanks veegie.Man I told in the first post that the exception in the firewall ports don't have NOTHING to do with the Halo Exceptions.But nobody listensVegito619 wrote:Um, an exception is just having a tag reference a non-existent tag, and/or corrupted.
Firewalls have absolutely NOTHING to do with it.
JK-47 wrote:omg dude, you rock!!!!!
*bows down*
this should be stickied because EVERYONE HATES EXEPTIONS, and i see posts EVERYWHERE saying "what does exeption mean?" "why do i keep getting exeptions?"
this is soo awsome
- Posts: 19
- Joined: Sun May 06, 2007 9:52 am