Coord finder and player spawn TUT.

Tutorials for the Xbox version of Halo 2.
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Coord finder and player spawn TUT.

Post by bogdog28 »

I was always frustraited on how to make ALL players spawn in one spot. i could never find a good EASY tutorial, so im gonna make one.

You will need:
Coord finder and Player spawn: by glitchy guardians
Entity Alpha, or UE. (this is just extra if you want the EXACT coordinates)

1st, is to find the coordinates you want to spawn at. Two ways to do this.

Coord finder way:
Open coord finder
Go to File, then hit Load map view.
Put in the folder where all of your map views are. (this is the same folder that you downloaded Coord finder to.)
Once the map view loads, navigate your mouse to the spot you want to spawn at. dont move your mouse, and write down the coordinates.

Other way using entity:
Open entity and open the map you want to make a spawn.
scroll down through the tags and find the SBSP tag.
Click on the SBSP and go to the upper right hand side of entity where there is the little plus sign.
EITHER: Click the blue plus sign (for entity UE) or click Tools, Raw Editor (for Entity Alpha users.)
Once the SBSP Screen is loaded, right click and hold and move your mouse until you see your map.
After youve found your map navigate using the entity controls (which can be found very easily if googled =D) to the exact spot you want to spawn.
When you're there, stop moving and loock at the bottom of your screen where it gives you coordinates. EX:) X: 1.325 Y: -1.2345 Z: 45.1234
Remember your coordinates or write them down.

Now your done with finding your coordinates. Also, if its your first time i prefer you use Entity, because the Coord finder doesnt give you the Z coord, and you have to guess. (This may be because i have an OLD version of Coord finder.

Finally, We have to make your players spawn at your coordinates.
Open up Player spawn, and then open up your map.
In player spawn you see the left side, where it says "Spawns, Small view" and the right side where it says "Change Values".
Go to the left side and click on the drop down box where it says Spawn number. (when you click this, the drop down will have numbers 0-150. < it can go below 150, its just how many spawns are on the map.)
Click on a number, preferably 0.
Now you should see Coordinates in the left side of Player spawn. Those are where spawn 0 is right now.
Go to the right hand side and make sure at the top it says "From 0 - 150" or however many the spawns go to. It should do this automatically.
Remember the coordinates you found in coord finder or entity? They go in the right side coordinates spot.
Once you get them typed in, hit Change Range.
Now go back over to the left side drop down box and hit a random number and it should switch ALL of the spawns coordinates.
Hit save at the bottom and resign your map.
FTP, And there you go!! A new spawn for your map!

why is everything so difficult >_<
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