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Spawning via Effects *UPDATED*

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 8:45 am
by neodos
Hello, in this tutorial i will show you how to spawn objects using by an effect.

You can make a chainspawn or just spawn an object with an effect.

I always explain everthing, it for that my tuts are long, but i believe that way you shoudl understand better what you are doing...

For this example i am going to use the plasma grenade.
So when the grenade will explode it will liberate another plasma grenade.

What we need:
entity 1.6UE


I'll analyse the he plasma grenade effects, go to this tag:
[proj] - objects\weapons\grenade\plasma_grenade\plasma_grenade

Let's see what does have the plasma grenade on dependencies,
Right clic on the grid, "display" >> "idents"

You should know that all destructible objects wich have effects when they explode liberate sometimes objects, for example the warthog (this effect respawn a bloc tag (the pieces of the destroyed warthog))

So what are the dependencies of the plasma grenade proj tag:


As you can see there are many effe tags on dependencies, but as you know the plasma grenade doesn't liberate any object at the explosion.
So we are going to add what we need to spawn a tag by an effect.

If you read the tags names... "detonation" seems to be the effect i am researching for the explosion effect
"effe - effects\impact\explosion_small\plasma_grenade\detonation"
So we go to this tag, and we are going to mod it that wya it will liberate a tag you can use those type of tags to be spawn by an effect: bloc,bipd,weap,proj,vehi.

Now on the dependencies of this tag you see many tags but no bloc tag...
No there's no bloc dependencies,so we are going to add the chunk wich we need to for that.

I was talking about the warthog wich spawns bloc tags when you break the vehicule... so we are going to look at it!

2-Copying the effect spawn attachement chunk

Go to this tag

So now you can see a [bloc] tag in dependencies ^^

Open the chunk cloner
Right clic on the grid and "Clone chunk"
Search on the reflexives and find the bloc dependencie.

Did you found it??
Search it you can do it :D

Ok now select "bloc.bumper"

Once you selected it
"Copy to Clip Board"

Close the chunk cloner.

3-Adding the effect spawn attachement chunk to another effect

Come back to the tag effe - effects\impact\explosion_small\plasma_grenade\detonation

Open the Chunk cloner

Go to the reflexive "unknown 9"

Go to the "chunk Number 0"

Select "Attachement"

Now clic"Add to Select Reflex/Chunk"

Do not clone this chunk the first time you add it! first add one chunk ,add meta to map and then open again the chunks cloner and you can clone it if you clone at the same time you add the respawn chunk it will freeze

Now clic "add meta to map"

4-Changing the effe spawned tag

Go to the dependencies and you'll see the [bloc] tag wich will be spawned with the effect.

You can spawn the dependency by those type of tags to be spawned:

5- OPTIONNAL, Creating plasma grenade chainspawn

So i said i want a grenade wich chen it explode liberate another grenade so i swap the respawn dependency by:

proj - objects\weapons\grenade\plasma_grenade\plasma_grenade

Sign your map, upload to your xbox and test the plasma grande :D


If you have a question ask ^^

Tutorial by neodos (KiMiK)

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 10:03 am
by Piktro
Thank you, this is a very nice tutorial, AND it works for non-modded XBox's as well if you want to do it for a LAN.

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 10:08 am
by plushiefire
Nice job neodos.

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 1:07 pm
by Dissolution241
Very useful tutorial, good job!

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 2:54 am
by Fleabag77
Why does chain-spawning never work for me? The map freezes while loading. :?

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 7:12 am
by neodos
Thanks, i am glad to see it help you ^^

Fleabag, did you watch the video?
Just try like on the video first, maybe it freeze because you clone the chunk when you add it for the first time, you have to add the chunk to the reflexive and then add meta to map, open again and now you can clone the chunk without freeze problems.

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 1:08 pm
by Fleabag77
Yeah, I tried doing it exactly as the video did. Even the little hover you did to show the new chunk.

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2008 1:33 am
by neodos

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 8:31 am
by BattleSkarz
hmm... yeah, i can't even open the chunk cloner for the bumper, or any effect for that matter. i keep getting a message saying

"Unable to cast object of type 'SplitIdent' to type 'String'"

umm... can i get some help here?

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 10:21 am
by BattleSkarz
never mind, i had an old version of entity. my bad.

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 5:20 pm
by Eaton
It was actually the plugin that was bad. That error occurs when you have labels in the plugin.