Ive seen some custom maps like metroid tunnel so there must be some way to do this...
What if i nulled the bsp and injected a model for an item and injected a colision for an item then spawned it somewhere in space. would it be that easy to make a costum map or is that impossibe
AIM wrote:Demonic5andwich (6:10:10 PM):structure of a first person weapon animation: Demonic5andwich (6:10:43 PM):mess, mess, maybe a node?, another header?! wtf!, more mess, tacos, more shit
Anthony wrote:he just posted that he was in the wrong section so why would you replay with this?
I'm pretty SURE that he doesn't need to be reassured because he caught his mistake on his own, and when I (like most people) catch my own mistakes I usually don't make them again..