Pelican in MP using only Entity

Tutorials for the Xbox version of Halo 2.
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Pelican in MP using only Entity

Post by Enlighten3d-one »

You need the following programs

1) Entity
2) Ftp Client

Step 1: Open up your MP map in Entity.

Step 2: Open up the campaign map that has the pelican in it, I used deltaaproach.

Step 3: Go to the weapon tag in the campaign map and click on pelican and then click the checkboxes parsed and recursive and then click save then it will say done. Image

Step 4: Now close the single player map and go to the mp map. In the mp map choose build and locate the .info of what you just saved.

Step 5: Now in your MP map go to the vehicle tag and click on the pelican that you just moved into it.

Step 6: Open the Meta editor and choose show unknowns.

Step 7: Scroll down to seats144 then in the drop down box to the right there should be a 0 through 13 in it go to 0.

Step 8: Change the first SID (string id) to
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