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H2 NASA Laser "jetpack"

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 10:44 am
Ok so i tried to take on this tutorial about turning the Sentinel Beam into a flame thrower (origonal tut. by GeTI0wDoGg369)...but i got this instead...haha

Programs used: Dothalo

1. Open your map in Dothalo (best used with outdoor maps)
2. Go the the weap tag
3. Click on "objects\characters\sentinel_aggressor\weapons\beam\sentinel_aggressor_beam"
4. Go to the dependencies
5. Change everything in order the way i have it here:

hlmt - objects\weapons\support_low\sentinel_gun\sentinel_gun

foot - effects\materials\objects\weapons\sentinel_beam

effe - effects\objects\weapons\support_low\sentinel_gun\sentinel_gun_overheat

jpt! - objects\weapons\damage_effects\smash_melee

jpt! - objects\weapons\damage_effects\smash_melee_response

nhdt - ui\hud\sentinel_beam

lsnd - sound\visual_effects\liquid_fire\liquid_fire

lsnd - sound\characters\sentinel\sentinel_beam_overheat\sentinel_beam_overheat

tdtl - effects\objects\weapons\support_low\sentinel_gun\sentinel_beam

bitm - effects\bitmaps\fires\fire

mode - objects\weapons\support_low\sentinel_gun\fp_sentinel_gun\fp_sentinel_gun

jmad - objects\characters\masterchief\fp\weapons\support_low\fp_sentinel_beam\fp_sentinel_beam

mode - objects\weapons\support_low\sentinel_gun\fp_sentinel_gun\fp_sentinel_gun

jmad - objects\characters\dervish\fp\weapons\support_low\fp_sentinel_beam\fp_sentinel_beam

proj - objects\vehicles\c_turret_ap\weapon\plasma_turret_bolt (NOTE: it is not nessesary to make the proj a plasma_turret_bolt, but it looks pretty cool)

effe - effects\impact\explosion_large\rocket_launcher\rocket_detonation

jpt! - objects\weapons\support_low\brute_shot\damage_effects\grenade_impact

6. Save changes
7. Click on "jpt! - objects\weapons\support_low\brute_shot\damage_effects\grenade_impact", and click on "Goto Tag"
8. Change every value to 0, besides Force. Change Force to 0.5
9. Save changes
10. Go back to the "weap" tag, and click on "objects\characters\sentinel_aggressor\weapons\beam\sentinel_aggressor_beam"
11. Click on "effe - effects\impact\explosion_large\rocket_launcher\rocket_detonation", and click "Goto Tag"
12. Change the following dependencies in order in appearance:

prt3 - effects\generic\fires\fire

pmov - effects\impact\explosion_large\total_obliteration\fire_burst

pmov - effects\impact\explosion_large\total_obliteration\fire_core

pmov - effects\particle_physics\fire

13. Save changes, re-sign, ftp

::To Operate::
- Pick up a Sentinel Beam (or make it starting weapon, weapons on map, etc.)
- aim it at the ground
- jump, and while in mid air hold right trigger
- The longer you hold, the higher you go...
- i found this helpfull in reaching odd places in maps such as Headlong or Containment, but you can use it however you see fit

Have fun!

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 8:01 pm
by Smitty50
Awesome i'm gonna go give it a try right now. Also can you give a picture of it if you can?

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 9:34 pm
by [SK]Yourpain
DOOOD im gonna have to try this...Is this like a jet pack?

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 9:45 pm
by Darco
jetpack... its a laser...

Re: NASA Laser

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 12:28 am
by [SK]Yourpain

::To Operate::
- Pick up a Sentinel Beam (or make it starting weapon, weapons on map, etc.)
- aim it at the ground
- jump, and while in mid air hold right trigger
- i found this helpfull in reaching odd places in maps such as Headlong or Containment, but you can use it however you see fit

Have fun!
AHHH i just thought that because it said blast off.

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 1:39 pm
[SK]yourpain wrote:DOOOD im gonna have to try this...Is this like a jet pack?
well its not a stationary object fixed to your back (ie: jetpack)...but yes, thats a VERY good way of putting it...

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 1:40 pm
Smitty50 wrote:Awesome i'm gonna go give it a try right now. Also can you give a picture of it if you can?

im trying to get my screencap stuff working...when i do, i'd be more than happy to post a few piks...let me know what you think about it after you test it...i would like some input as to weather or not this would be a positive addition to the "Headstrong" map im designing

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 7:13 am
by Snaku
This is fairly old news. I've seen it used a few times, most notably on Moon Stronghold.

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 10:28 am
snaku wrote:This is fairly old news. I've seen it used a few times, most notably on Moon Stronghold.
my mistake then

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 4:31 pm
by xXxCocoFangxXx
There is a way easier way to do this.

Don't double post either.

Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2006 6:39 pm
xXxCocoFangxXx wrote:There is a way easier way to do this.

Don't double post either.
ummmm...can you please explain to me where the origonal thread to this topic was that i posted because i don't recall posting this subject twice?

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 3:47 am
by nugglet_05
hes talking about when you replied. u double posted

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 9:10 pm
by hunk_re
dude i created that hella long ago but it was hella sick it is because the rate at which the gun is fired and its force collide with eachother to preduce a backwards momentum the same can be acheived with the needler wimly by increasing its fire out put and decreasing its proj velocity. unfortuantly that one can cause death....

shrooms show up as food poision on a drug test

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 3:51 pm
by boomer3bs
actualy if you edit the shads on master cheife or elite you can have it stationary on your back also edit the trigger values

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 3:53 pm
by StalkingGrunt911
Please don't bump old topics. ;)

Re: shrooms show up as food poision on a drug test

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 1:39 pm
boomer3bs wrote:actualy if you edit the shads on master cheife or elite you can have it stationary on your back also edit the trigger values
since the topic has already been bumped could u explain a little bit more about how to do that?