[Halo 2]Disabling Conveyor Belts

Tutorials for the Xbox version of Halo 2.
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[Halo 2]Disabling Conveyor Belts

Post by DiscoBob »

1. The Setup
2. Disabling
3. Fixing The Shader

Section 1 - The Setup
First things first, we need to download a few things. To start, we need the latest [shad] plugin located
Here. Put that plugin into your plugins directory. Also, you need to download the program attached at the bottom of this page.

Section 2 - Disabling
Due to the application, the work of disabling has been simplified to a few mouse clicks. So what we need to do, is open up my program attached here, open your map...then click the button to disable moving surfaces. Easy as that, from there...You can resign your map from the file menu...and i recommend closing after that; as I think my program doesn't fully close out the maps, because I got lazy.

Note: There is also an option to enable all surfaces to move, it is not fully working

Section 3 - Editing The Shader
Open up Entity, and go to the shader for the conveyor belt. Scroll to the Shader Effects reflexive. Change the first float value (Effect Duration) to 0, then in the first chunk in the nested reflexive, change that byte to 4. Save, resign, and load your map; your done.

Congratulations, you just disabled a conveyor belt :)

DiscoBob - Discovery and coding
Anthony - Coding
Soldier Of Light - Gave me the original idea months back
TheTyckoMan - Teaching me the technical aspects of Halo
Pokecancer - Gives me ideas and such, and has leet sauce running through his veins
SBSP Moveable Surface Tool.rar
SBSP Moveable Surface Tool
(14.22 KiB) Downloaded 70 times
trep: Some of us have a lad to give us pleasure, and do not need to jerk off. FYI, some of us ---> P8ntballer
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