[tut] chainsaw model from stubbs the zombie
Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 4:01 pm
i put a model of the chainsaw out of a stubbs the zombie map in dothalo. for those of you that don't know stubbs the zombie is a game based on the halo1 engine. it's .map files open and are editable in dothalo, most of the plugins work too
i was going to post a serenity of it but i thought some people might bltch about the legal issues. so i wrote a tut on what i did to extract and inject a model from a stubbs the zombie map into halo 2
if someone has some corrections or something to add, put it on this thread and i'll edit the tut
i was going to post a serenity of it but i thought some people might bltch about the legal issues. so i wrote a tut on what i did to extract and inject a model from a stubbs the zombie map into halo 2
- to extract a model from a stubbs the zombie you need
- darkmatter 1.0b3
- hmt
- milkshape
- dothalo
- insolence
a) pull a stubbs the zombie map from your xbox( i used farmhouse)
b) open the map in dothalo
- it will ask you if you want to decompress the map choose yes
c) without closing dothalo, open the map in hmt
- go to the model you want to extract(i picked the chainsaw)
- i chose solid and extract all
- it should give you files with no file extension
- add .obj to the end of the names of all the files
a) open milkshape
b) import all of the obj you extracted over each other
c) go to groups and select all the groups until the whole model is red in the viewer
d) hit the regroup button and it should merge them all into one obj
e) make sure the model is aligned to the grid proper
- the model should appear in the lower left window upside down, with the end pointing to the right, and the part you want to hold should start right in the center of the grid
- if it is not aligned like this, then click the model tab and select rotate and you can rotate and align it properly by clicking and dragging on the model viewers
- move it too if necessary
f) now export as an obj
a) get an unmodded halo2 map (i used midship)
b) open the map and extract the models you want to replace (i used the ball and fp ball)
c) now replace all of the obj files in each folder with the obj file you created with milkshape
- ex. - fp_ball.standard.standard[0][0][0]
d) now import the models with darkmatter and save each meta in a SEPERATE NEW FOLDER
e) add them to map with darkmatter then close it
a) open the map in insolence
- go to the model tag and look for the models you injected
- there should be two with the same name
- rename the one on the BOTTOM to something else
- ex. weapons\ball\ball --> weapons\ball\chainsaw
- close the map
b) open the map in your favorite halo 2 editor
- if you are adding a fp model to a weapon go to its weap tag
- change the dependencies of the fp models to the new model
- if you are adding a 3rd person model then change the model dependency to the new model
- resign the map and check it out
if someone has some corrections or something to add, put it on this thread and i'll edit the tut