[Halo 2]Model Injection Tutorial (Updated: 12/6/05)

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[Halo 2]Model Injection Tutorial (Updated: 12/6/05)

Post by kornkidcrazy »

Here is a tutorial for making models and putting them back into Halo 2. I hope you all like it.

Model Injection

Things that you will need:
---a.Insolence (which you can get here)
---b.Darkmatter (which you can get here)
---c.Milkshape (which you can get here)
---d.Dothalo (which you can get here)
--- a.A modded Xbox
--- b.A computer
3.Other Stuff
---b.Common Sense

Step #1. Getting Started
Now then, if you have all of the above, let's begin. First, open up Darkmatter and then open up the map that you are modding in Darkmatter. Here is a screen shot:

Step #2. Finding Your Modelr
Now it is time to find the weapon we want to give a different model to. So, go down to the tag that says "mode".
and double click on it to open the tag up. When the mode tag is opend, it should look something like this:
Now scroll down to the weapon model that you want to change, For this tutorial, I want to edit the Sentinel Beam, so I would scroll down to the Sentinel Beam's model. Now, there are two models.One is labeled "objects\weapons\support_low\sentinel_gun\sentinel_gun", which would look like this:
The other model is labeled "objects\weapons\support_low\sentinel_gun\fp_sentinel_gun\fp_sentinel_gun", which is located right above the model labeled "objects\weapons\support_low\sentinel_gun\sentinel_gun", which is in the picture above. But we only want to edit the 3rd person model for now, not the 1st person model.

Step #3. Extracting The 3rd Person Model
So, go to the tag labeled "objects\weapons\support_low\sentinel_gun\sentinel_gun", which was mentioned in Step #2 a lot, and click on this model tag. After a few seconds, the "Model Viewer" window will pop up, with a picture of your current model on it. Your computer screen should look like this:
Now,in the corner of the model viewer, there is a little rectangular button that says "Extract" on it. This one right here:
Now click on this button and a new window will pop-up. It wants to know where you would like to save this model to. So, click and save it to your desktop, like how I am in this photo:
Now click the okay button, and it should have sucsessfully saved the model to your desktop.

Step #4. Making A New Model
Now, you don't need to keep Darkmatter open, but I usually do, just in case. Anyways, open up Milkshape. Go to file button in the upper left hand corner of milkshape and then click import, and then click Wavefront OBJ, just like I am here:
Now, go to the folder that your model is in that you saved in the last step. Now, find the highest lod (biggest last number) object in that folder you extracted and open this model up.
Now, play around with Milkshape and this model.
Make it look however you want it to look .Be creative. Here is what Uralllame has to say:
Uralllame wrote:While you are moddeling stuff for Halo 2, there are some things you'll want to consider:

1. Group names.
When you first edit the model, if you go to the groups tab in Milkshape, you will notice the names of those groups are rather pointlessly cnfusing, and they are also PURE EVIL! (I'm talking about the ones with numbers by the way).

Now, if one was to leave it like this, your model would have SERIOUSLY messed up shaders, like this:
If you play with Darkmatter's bsp viewer, you may notice that the teleporters don't work. They do work, they have just been moved. If you have a messed up shader, it will point to the new locations. It can be rather fun sometimes.

To get rid of this, it's simple, first select all the groups in the groups tab (or press CTRL+A, on the keyboard of course) and then click on the regroup button. You can rename this group if you want to make some kind of cool hip easter egg.
2. Back faces
What is a back face you say? Surely at 1 point in your life you have got out of headlong and looked behind the buildings only to wonder why you can see through the wall from one side, but it looks normal on the other. Well, models on have 1 visible face per face, if that makes sense. If you model, sometimes you can but the face on the wrong way, so it is pointing inwards. This can be very annoying. To make sure you have not got any backfaces on the outside of your model, in Milkshape's 3D viewing section, right click and turn off "show backfaces". To fix backfaces easily, go to select faces mode and select the area where the backface is. You can select as much as you want, it doesn't rerally matter that much, but the smaller the better (smaller file size). Then at the top go to Edit, Duplicate selection.
Now that you have your duplicate (make sure it is selected dammit!) go to Face, Reverse vetrex order. You have just turned your duplicate inside out, and therefore you have the faces facing the other way, but still have the original faces as well.

3. Other Milkshape stuff
You can download various plugins from the internet, just search. They are things like text generators, auto smothers and model fucker uppers.
You may notice how most pictures on programs dissapear when you are using MilkShape. To fix this just close MilkShape, open it then close it again. Done.
I want to make my Sentinel Beam's model a Flame Thrower. Here are the before and after pictures of my model:
Step #5. Shipping Your New Model
Now we want to take our model out of Milkshape. So, what we want to do is go to the file button again, only this time press export. Now click on Wavefront OBJ again.
Now, save the model you are exporting to your desktop and name it whatever you want ot name it. Here is a photo of me doing this:
Now you should be able to find a new folder named whatever you just named your new model on your desktop. We don't need Milkshape anymore, so you can close it down now.

Step #6.Technical Issues
So now open the folder on your destop that has all of the original modeling stuff in it. It should be named "sentinel_gun.obj" (unless you renamed it something else). Inside it you should see this stuff:
Now open your folder that you saved to your desktop that has your modified model in it. There should only be one item in this folder. The file is named whatever you named it in milkshape. So now rename this OBJ File to the name of the original model with the highest last digit's name. Here is an example:
Now copy your OBJ file you just renamed and duplicate it until you have as many OBJ Files as the original model folder has. Now re-name all of your OBJ Fies so that they coorespond with the names of the original OBJ Files. So if that doesn't make any sense to you, here is a photo:
Now highlight all of these OBJ Files and copy them. Now paste them in the original Model folder. It will ask you if you want to overwite them. Do so, but make sure all of the new files overwrite the old ones. Now after tat has been done, your are done with all of the difficult stuff.

Step #7.Model Injection Time!
So, now go back to Darkmatter. If your model viewer window is already up, then you don't have to do this. But if it isn't up yet, then clcik on the 3rd person model of the weapon you wanted to remodel again, so that the model viewer window pops up. But this time, click on the "import" button instead.
Now find the folder that the original OBJ Files were in (the one that you overwrited all of the old OBJ Files with the one new one) and choose it.
Click okay. It will now ask you to save some new meta data somewhere. Make a new folder on the desktop and put the meta in there.
After you do this (if you did it right) it should show your new model. This is how mine turned out.
READ CAREFULLY---Now before you do anything else, go to tools, and click on "Add To Map" without closing the model viewing window. Another window will pop up find the folder that you saved the meta datai n, click it and then click ok.
Now wait a while until it is done. When a pop-up box appears on the screen, that means that you are now done with Darkmatter. You may now close Darkmatter.

Step #8.Final Touches
So now you have made a new model and you have put it into Halo 2, But now you need to be able to use it. Here's how. Open up Insolence and the map you were modding eariler in Darkmatter.
Go into the mode tag were there should now be 2 models of whatever gun you remodeled. Some times instead of it saying:
It will have

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Post by wexican »

can u use 3ds max instead of milkshape
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Post by DemonicSandwich »

wexican wrote:can u use 3ds max instead of milkshape
AIM wrote:Demonic5andwich (6:10:10 PM): structure of a first person weapon animation:
Demonic5andwich (6:10:43 PM): mess, mess, maybe a node?, another header?! wtf!, more mess, tacos, more shit

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Post by burnboy62 »

im not sure if i read step six right but it keeps giving me an error i overwrote all the .obj files with my new file and it gives me an error when i try to inject my model also in step 6 it says you only have one file made from milkshape when theres another .mtl file made when you make a file with milkshape im not sure what to do with that[/quote]

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Post by sonicjam »

how can i put a map that i did in 3dmax
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Post by gugui3z24 »

burnboy62 wrote:im not sure if i read step six right but it keeps giving me an error i overwrote all the .obj files with my new file and it gives me an error when i try to inject my model also in step 6 it says you only have one file made from milkshape when theres another .mtl file made when you make a file with milkshape im not sure what to do with that

exactly what happenes to me :cry:
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Post by DemonicSandwich »

This tutorial is outdated...VERY outdated.
>>>Use this one<<< or >>>this one<<<

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AIM wrote:Demonic5andwich (6:10:10 PM): structure of a first person weapon animation:
Demonic5andwich (6:10:43 PM): mess, mess, maybe a node?, another header?! wtf!, more mess, tacos, more shit
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