MapFusionC app that loads map in C++ with tut & source

Tutorials for the Xbox version of Halo 2.
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Post by 0mfc0 »

Well Nickolas i don't give a crap what you have to say... and secondly i even said it was General C++ EE as in Express Edition, Which is Visual C++.

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Post by Shalted »

Well, Nikolas is right, that tutorial is horrible, it doesn't give a full description of many operations/"commands". There are many terms that are incorrect, many code examples are either inefficent or show use of a poor coding style and the tutorial doesn't even explain return values, even though they're used within one of the examples. Also things like loops(do, while, for and switch), if statements, recursive functions and pointers have been left out, even though recursive funtions aren't that difficult (At all).
1 for making me laugh when you refrenced C/C++ as a program.
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