Playing as an Elite

Tutorials for the Xbox version of Halo.
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Playing as an Elite

Post by kibito87 »

.:Play As an Elite:.

Needed Tools:
HHT v5
Assault on the Control Room singleplayer map ( b40 )
The Multiplayer map you would like to play as an elite in.


1. Open HHT v5. Then open your single player map.
2. Once your singleplayer map is open go to the Biped tagclass.
3. Scroll through till you see the Elite Special. Click it once. (Highlighted in Green)
4. Now in the bottom left corner of HHT, you will see a check box that says recursive next to it. Check that box. (Highlighted pink in picture)
5. Right above that you will see a button that says "Save Meta". We are going to want to hit that. (Highlighted in Red)


6. Step 5 may take a small amount of time to extract. HHT may seem to have frozen but give it enough time to extract all necessary files.
7. Now, close the singleplayer map and open up your multiplayer map. I will be using longest for this tutorial. Any MP map will do.
8. Once it's open. If the recursive button isn't checked still, make sure it is. Then above, hit the "inject Meta" button.
9. Now HHT will ask you to navigate to where your biped tags are saved. Click the folder where you saved them and hit open. Now it will ask specifically where the tag was you wanted to inject.
10. Navigate to the tag it should be something just like *foldername*/characters/elite/elite special[bipd].meta


11. HHT will now inject the biped for you and give you conformation that it was "Done Injecting Meta".


12. Now that it's done, let's go to the TagViewer and find the Bipeds. Once you've found the bipeds let's open up the cyborg_mp tag.
13. On the right side should be the cyborg_mp tag's dependencies.
14. We will be switching some of these dependencies so that our elite is playable and works. The dependencies we will be changing are the: mode, antr, coll, the *first jpt!, and udlg.
15. To make this easier just adjust (swap) your dependencies to look just like the picture featured below. All swapped dependencies are highlighted in red.


16. To swap dependencies, you will want to highlighted what you want to swap and at the bottom, click the dropdown box and there are all the dependencies it can be swapped with. Then click the one you want, and hit the swap button.
17. After, we want the biped to be able to pick up all the weapons used in multiplayer so let's head down to the weapons tagclass.
18. Open it up and select any weapon the Elite normally doesn't use and click on it. I will use the Assault Rifle.
19. To the right should be the dependency window still. At the top there should be an arrow. Let's hit that and it should take us to the Tag Editor.
20. There are a few buttons by the top of the page that declare what type of weapon this is going to be. Since i'm using the assault rifle, I want to make it so the elite can use it. So instead of it being set on the AR button.(highlighted Blue) We will switch that to the Plasma Rifle button. (Highlighted Red) That way the Elite can pick up the AR and at the same time will hold it like a Plasma Rifle. (which would look the best anyways).


21. Now, we will need to do this for every weapon the Elite never uses. You can use either the Plasma rifle or the Plasma Pistol to switch to. Those are the best choices for weapons not normally used by the Elite.
22. Make sure you also change this for the flags and the oddball. That way you can play objective games.
23. Hit the save changes button. (highlighted in Red, below)


**Compress the map and ftp it to your xbox and enjoy. Make sure you clear your cache just incase.**
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