Drive vehicles not normally driveable

Tutorials for the Xbox version of Halo.
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Drive vehicles not normally driveable

Post by Silv3rPh30nix »

This tutorial was written by my freind S3anyBoy, and I take no credit for it.
S3anyBoy wrote: This is a very simple tutorial. You will need HMT.

1. Open map in HMT after decompressing.
2. Go to the vehicle tag and select the vehicle you want to make driveable.
3. Scroll down until you see seats. Seat 0 should be the driver, change it to G-driver or W-driver.
4. Save, compress and FTP the map. Now when you find the vehicle you should be able to get in it.

Note the pelican driver seat is in the front, you have to get on top to get into it. To get in the wraith you have to walk over to the side and press X.

Using this tutorial you can do things like this:

I reject your reality and substitute it with my own.
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