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which kind of saber do you use more frequently?

Duals(two different blades)
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Post by Battery »

Jedi Knight Jedi Academy

This game is very old but i still play it. I was hoping atleast you guys had heard of it. There are a few reasons i made this topic, mostly because that game is almost all i play anymore. To be completely honest this game has to be the most skill obsessive games i have ever played. One thing that makes me say that is the fact that it has taken me a full year to get as good as i am :roll: , seeing the three sabers you have a choice of have totally different styles and are equally as hard to master. Believe it or not but there are still quite a few people that actually play this game, i remember TBeezie was one a bit ago, but other than that haven't seen a member of this site ever get on that game.I was hoping to talk a few of you to try this game again or for the first time, it is really fun.

The guns themselves on the game are hard to get good at, seeing there isn't anything really guiding the bullet at the enemy you are shooting at. But the guns also have true skill in them, i shall list a few examples to prove that. The sniper(of course the sniper is a hard weapon :roll:) it has a charging ability, but at the same time it is so impossible to hit something that is jumping around with a light saber charging you. The E11 blaster rifle (the gun that stormtroopers carry mostly) isn't hard to hit your enemy once but if you want to destroy them with it you need to really be good at that gun haha. There are a few glitches with the guns, like auto homing rocket launchers, but pros don't cheat like that now do they 8).

The sabers all i have to say OH MY SWEET JESUS! I have been learning the dual sabers for the past year and a half. i have just gotten to finish all my training, and now is for experience. There are three whole styles you are given through all sabers. There is fast stance, medium stance, and strong stance. I use the duals so i get medium stance and fast stance. In my vision duals are the best sabers because they have quite a bit of power in them combined with speed. But single isn't have bad either. The single saber has all kinds of stances because it has a disadvantage having only one saber. I call it the noob stick mostly because it has the heavy stance and the more powerful the stance is, the more it will destroy you if you charge them.

But ultimately i made this because me and my one friend have been trying to restart an old clan that was A on that game B on many other games. One of the bigger clans in xbox live, probably not so heard of in the halo game, but still on a game like battlefront or other star wars games it was huge. Not only is this topic on "possible clan recruitment, (there is no formal clan option on that game) but this topic is up for discussion if any of you remember the game, or still play it, hopefully we could converse about it.
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Post by V0Lt4Ge »

I used to play Jedi Outcast all the time. Jedi Academy is pretty fun but I only rented it for Xbox. I didn't really enjoy multiplayer in those games though to be honest.

My favorite thing to do was to start a SP game and spawn a huge groups of AI characters. It's awesome to build up two huge forces of Jedis and make them fight each other in a crazy battle, or create a huge Storm Trooper force and just tear right through them.
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Post by ScottyGEE »

They're pretty damn fun games; I think they're great. I got them for xbox
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Post by jackson117 »

They are enjoyable games.

But one thing that i hate is i can never get the light saber fights correct. Through i did like the cheat that turned me into a howler and the punch cheat to melee as it.
I might have to find this game again somewhere and redownload all the general grievous and Jedi models. The only fault with the grievous model is it goes flipping crazy and starts flying everywhere and jumping (kinda like the grievous in clone wars CN show)

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Post by Battery »

i never got the chance to mod that game for xbox, there was just no actual mods for the xbox version even though the files are identical, u would be freezing if you took a pc character change like general grievous and put it on your xbox.

the xbox version is the easier version though i will give pc that, it is very hard to do most of the moves i do on xbox on pc. I couldn't just tell you the whole concept of it, i would have to show you it, because that game can get VERY VERY complex. Sorry for caps, but i had to it truly needed emphasis.

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Post by Kirk »

I used to play the hell out of this series (JK2, then JKA when it came out...) but I'm all done now. Cool to see some interest is still out there though.
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