Mass Effect

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Post by JK-47 »

I'm really enjoying the game so far :) It has an awesome story, and I love the combat in it. It's pretty fun.

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Post by Kirk »

Combat is fun, but I find the recharges on the biotics and tech powers annoying, as my Sentinel sucks with everything else. I can use the Pistol, sure, but I find myself dying a ton more than with my soldier.
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Post by ScottyGEE »

Level up quickly...Get more powers/level them up to make it recharge quickly. In ways it is annoying since its your specialty (and mine)...But my pistol is surprisingly kick ass...But I have'nt been a soldier to compare how awesome other guns are.
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Post by INSANEdrive »

I'm about to finish the game again... if not today, tomorrow. I'm level 59 and I need ( I think ) 20,000 exp to level up.

But I'm not worried... I have me trusty Disintegrator-One-Shot-One-Kill Shotgun with me.

"You know what I'd like to be? I mean if I had my goddamn choice, I'd just be the catcher in the rye and all."
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Post by Kirk »

I only got to like 39 on my first run through :oops:
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Post by INSANEdrive »

Kirk wrote:I only got to like 39 on my first run through :oops:
I was very thorough my first run through

I completed EVERY scrap of a Mission I could get my virtual Hands On.
"You know what I'd like to be? I mean if I had my goddamn choice, I'd just be the catcher in the rye and all."
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Post by Kirk »

Whereas I only did 1-2 secondary quests :/

My sentinel just isn't that fun for me for some reason. I'd say I want to restart with something slightly more combat based or something, but i've like, already done all the side-quests I possibly can before going to a main planet, and I don't really want to have to do them again. My soldier was just a lot more fun :/

EDIT: I could always start my soldier and see if I can hit 60 on there :P (You only get a TINY bit of experience until the later planets, right? that'd be way too easy)
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Post by StalkingGrunt911 »

I really need to play this again, I rented it but got distracted with Assassin's Creed and Mass Effect had to go back today. I'll probably rent it again, I don't plan on buying it because I would probably get bored of it after a while same goes for Assassin's Creed. Only games I have bought were Halo 3, GoW, GHIII, and CoD4 until it chipped. I also had Bioshock but after beating it I traded it in for 50 bucks, got it on sale for $39.99. :X

But so far from playing it, all 32 minutes of it (not counting when I would just sit my controller down) it seemed like it will get better as the game progresses. I thought that Saren dude was going to be on my team so I was like w00t, until he... well don't want to ruin it so.

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Post by Kirk »

I thought the mid to end of the game was the best. The actual end to the game, excluding the ACTUAL end, was fairly annoying and one of the worst parts of the game. The final boss battle sucked IMO.
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Post by DrXThirst »

Should I consider getting this for Christmas?
I've heard soooooo many good reviews about this game that it's probably obvious that I should get it. Although, I'd like to hear it from a staff member...
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Post by ScottyGEE »

19 hours........
That sucks.

Yeah, 19 is a long time I spose...But considering Kotor (these took me around 40 hours doing a lot of things, so its bad in comparison :() and jade which took me a lot longer to finish and they had in a sense a much larger story impact (with the twists and stuff).

I guess I'll play it again with a lot more sidequests. However, in hindsight I didn't actually utilise all that much. I was rich beyond my wildest dreams and all I ever bought was one pistol which I used till the end (since it was so good).

but overall, upon finishing I didn't have any sense of great accomplishment for some reason, heck that thing I didn't even get rid of myself...Not accomplishment, I mean satisfaction.

Ahh well, I'll play the game again for sure. I thought I'd use the same character stats as the last game, but that also means I have to have the exact same everything (Meaning I can't be a soldier or make my character look different), which in a way, makes sense, but I didn't want to have to start anew with being a soldier just so I could use an assault rifle.

I also didn't feel my allegiance didn't impact much (being an orsm goodies), but maybe I wasn't good (paragim is it?) enough. Perhaps it'll make more of a comparison when I play more mean.
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Post by Kirk »

The "dark" side is quite a bit cooler in Mass Effect than KOTOR. Instead of just killing them, you get to watch Shepard do some random(almost always hilarious) act of violence at them.

EDIT: No, I didn't feel anything special about playing on the Paragon side either. That's why I'm playing on the Renegade side this time around, maybe it'll be slightly different or something..

If I had read through the achievements before I played originally I would have played it a bit different, like only using 2 squad members, rather than using them randomly, and focusing on gaining one sort of reputation points. I also would have gotten the Rich achievement, as I was at like 900,000 credits towards the end... :/
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Post by Pyroman »

I had 26 hrs in my game save and finished out the game at lvl 50. Starting to get to lvl 60 now and being on the mean side...'cept for the ladies 8)
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Post by Kirk »


What a hottie.
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Post by turk645 »

how did you take a screenshot?
ScottyGee wrote:Smokers suck >_< (to avoid someone saying it later, both literally and in the derogatory way)
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Post by Kirk »

My camera :P
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Post by JacksonCougAr »

thought so, lawl
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Post by Prey »

Hmm, I was expecting more to be honest. I completed the game in around 9-10 hours.. just doing the main stuff that is (as I found the side-crap to be especially un-interesting, which put me off it all completely...)

There really is so many bad points to this game though. It's embarrassing really, considering Bioware's reputation..
  • I don't know what happened with the movement, but it just goes from one extreme to the other: in the moments where everything is calm the most you can muster up is some sort of warped, sissy "jog". But bring in some baddies and you go into hyper-mode, capable of running a marathon in a few seconds - And for those who haven't played the game yet, that wasn't an exaggeration..
  • Of course the whole lots of weapons thing and upgrades and XP and talent points and omni.. er, gels.. etc was all expected, it is an RPG after all. I couldn't agree with the whole "lets assume they would understand it all from the word Go" bit though.. And combining it all with the complete let-down of an user-interface wasn't too much of a good idea either...
  • The auto-save feature: What can I say? Terrible. Made even worse by the fact that when you finally die, and subsequently realise that you have to save yourself, you're already back an hour or two...
  • The AI is half good, half bad. Suffice to say whoever two squad members you take out with you are always unfailingly pathetic. They get in the way. Don't shoot very often. And don't make any attempts to protect themselves.. even with cover being just to the left there!.. Wrex damnit!.. Unity's still charging from a few minutes ago..

    I also don't understand the enemy tactic of running right up to you.. waiting a bit... shoot... wait again.. shoot.. repeat... repeat..
  • The game is SO SLOW! (and that's coming from a massive Deus Ex fan..).. You're either sissy jogging back and forth around massive open complexes that take you forever to navigate; going down painfully slow elevators; or watching the mass-relay-thing as you wait for the next part to load (...). The fighting at least speeds things up a bit..
  • The Mako's handling is a joke. It's sensitive to the point of insane. Why would Bioware think that utilising only a fraction of the analogue stick was a good idea?..
  • There's quite a few glitches. There's the un-harmful, yet un-professional, ones like the texture streaming problem that GoW also suffers from. Then there's the harmful ones. Like invisible walls that you can get stuck in (yea, it happened to me..).. or the other time when I drove the Mako up some hill on an un-chartered planet, got out, fell down the hill, and then couldn't get back up again.. due to great coincidence this was also the planet on which Liara is found, and so the '[X] Return To Normandy' button was disabled...
  • I fail to understand why Bioware would go to such extremes to create so many places to explore, if on completing the main quest, the game actually ends..
  • The dialogue is sometimes really flimsy, as are most cut-scenes. Like the fact that everyone talks pretty much in mono-tone (the ending suffers from this immensely), apart from on the rare occasion where some-one will liven up a bit all of a sudden!.. and then we-re back to the fucking mono-tone again..
Overall, the game is not all that bad. The graphics are pretty out-standing, and things like the dialogue stuff does keep things interesting. But it's just all let down by, seemingly, a lack of effort.

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Post by Kirk »

I think you forgot to play the game.



Crummy quality, but that seriously made my day. Was in the perfect mood when that little thing popped up.

That's why I love Mass Effect.. People gripe about long conversations while that's my favorite part.
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Post by StalkingGrunt911 »

Well after getting chances to play this again, I now really like this after I got use to the combat and getting to run around everywhere is pretty fun.

The only thing that has sucked for me so far is on Noveria, I went into the restricted area before going to talk to Dr. Cohen and I ended up killing a bunch of the human and turian guards, then Captain V and I couldn't talk to Dr. Cohen after I killed everyone so I had to restart like an hour back. >.< I was going to save but I'd figure the autosave would have at least saved by then, the last autosave I had was in the Plaza. >.<
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