Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2005 7:29 am
I LOVE HALOMODS but it lacks the actual level building tutorials and has to cover such a wide topic since HALO MODDING can be just about anything. I want to create a website (Maybe a brother one to HALO MODS) that focuses on different maps and how to create maps. This would include many tutorials based WHOLY upon mapping. The thing I'm having a problem with is how do you get the money to host this big of a website? I know you guys wouldn't be doing it if you were losing money but how? There's no ads, there's no donations. I just need to know how you do it. Also how did you get this HALO MODS layout? Did a "website designer" come with the server? Just a few questions. I HAVE BIG DREAMS FOR THIS SITE. I'm hopping to call it www.halomapping.com but I'm not sure right now. NOTHING IS PROMISED.