Halogen Mod

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Halogen Mod

Post by Dispraiser »

Not sure what your guys' position is on mentioning other websites, but in regards to Command and Conquer Generals, I've got a mod to show.


In any case, I'm mod coleader, cofounder and modeler for Halogen, and thought I'd bring it up on a modding and Halo forum, since it's relativly relevent. Anyone seen our mod and have any comments?
Your avatar was oversized!

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Post by Konraden »

First things first. This is one freaking cool mod. Generals has gotten board after a while, and not much could revive it. Usually happens to RTSs. But good god, this is going to be freaking sweet. At least I hope it is.

I have always wanted to have more direct control over my marines in the game, and what better way than a Halo RTS! I look forward to playing this, and I would say it looks pretty good. Sounds fun too!

Dispraiser, wherever the hell you are, keep up the good work. I expecially loves these Hunters. AWESOME. I look forward to playing the mod.

Cool little unit cohesion
Those Awesome Freaking Hunters
"I like Pigs. Dogs look up on us, and cats look down on us. Pigs see us as equals. I Like pigs." ~~Eisnhower, Dwight D.
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Post by BEEF!!! »

Don't bump an old topic.