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warcraft 3 terrain ppl needed
Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2005 3:06 pm
by I Trunks I
i need a few ppl to help with terrain if and cinamatics...... if u can help post or aim me
also i want to know if any of the programs/files that Halo or halo 2 uses can b used for warcraft 3
i dont know
Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2005 3:12 pm
by Link001
i dont kbow whare to buy it.
Re: i dont know
Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2005 4:08 pm
by Katarn
campin carl wrote:i dont kbow whare to buy it.
The local computer retail store.....
Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 7:08 pm
by I Trunks I
lol... but yeah if u do get it tell me and i can email u if u want to help with terain or anything, i have the updated version cause i am the only one that can host maps... yet i kinda lookin into Cinematics, skinnin, and modeling and i want to figure out the Map Protection.. any way yeah if u wana help i will inform my 2 friends that r helping with the map about it.. if u do wanna help.. it requires TFT (the frozen throne) wich is the expansion...
the chess is like 40$ i think but not sure if u wana know about the map just email me at
Edit: these r sites with programs, skins, models, icons, etc
(these sites r free and u only need to b a member to post sumthin, dl's r free)
3. ... /index.php
so far these r the only 3 sites that i have found helpful if u know of any more plz post them