Huh. I could have sworn they did, especially when members of our government like Condoleeza Rice were using scare tactics to influence the public, by using phrases like "We don't want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud," and by pushing for an invasion of Iraq because they allegedly acquired WMDs.noxiousraccoon wrote:This war was the final decision made by our government to end a leader of a country who has been a problem for 20 years. WMDs had nothing to do with this war.
Too many people have this attitude. Everyone is either assuming that if we don't bomb the hell out of a country, we can't do anything else about it.-Treetoad- wrote:It was either not go to war and leave America scared or go to war and leave America disappointed.
How about actually dedicating all of the money that's been spent on this war into good defensive capabilities? Why can't we just increase defense in our own borders, instead of trying to preempt conflicts abroad?