Project: Forerunner

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Project: Forerunner

Post by jebtrillion »

What's Forerunner?

Forerunner is an application to assist in Halo modification. More specifically to assist in writing Halo Script's. It will offer many things that Visual Studio offers.

Such as:

-Syntax Highlighting
-Intellisence like code assistance
-Write, edit, compile, debug, and save scripts.

Those are only the core features Forerunner will offer. There will be many more.

What's Scripting?

Halo Script is a set of instructions the game engine uses to create an action in game. It's basically a programming language like Visual Basic, C#, or C++ but it's very limited.

I've had this project on the drawing board for quite some time but I haven’t had the time to work on it. Things have changed and I find myself will all sorts of spare time now. The GUI is complete mostly so I will start coding it.

I need a person or two who really understands scripting.
If you’re interested PM me or leave a reply.

Below I have some pictures of the GUI

Forerunner GUI


Editor windows

Map Browser


-Open as many maps as you want.
-You don't have to deal with messy MDI windows!

How to use:

Step one: Open a map from the menu or Start Page
Step two: Select the map from the combobox at the very top of the Map Browser window. The scripts will load in a listbox below.
Step three. Add, Remove, or Edit any script you wish.

Script Library's


-Save the scripts you right
-Have access to a whole archive of Halo's prewritten scripts.
-Categorize your script's

How to use:

Step one: Select a script library from the top combobox of the Script Library's Window.
Step two: Select a script category from the second combobox
Step three: Add currently open scripts to the library, Remove selected scripts, Edit any script you wish, or copy selected scripts to insert into your code designer.
Last edited by jebtrillion on Mon Aug 11, 2008 3:07 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by kibito87 »

This looks like an awesome program thus far. I am curious to know what platforms this will work on... Is it for Halo1 or Halo2 or both. Then is it for PC, CE, H2vista...?

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Post by jebtrillion »

kibito87 wrote:This looks like an awesome program thus far. I am curious to know what platforms this will work on... Is it for Halo1 or Halo2 or both. Then is it for PC, CE, H2vista...?
Windows OS

I don't own a MAC but I know a few programmers who code for it. I'll have a talk with them and see if they can do a MAC conversion.

It will support all versions of Halo except Halo 3. That includes PC, CE, and Xbox.

Thank you for your interest and also for your support.
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Post by latinomodder »

Wow I'm looking forward to this! Hmm I myself have no knowledge in the inerworkings of scripts but I know fairly much about the system and syntax, also ill ask the person who discovered scripts in halo2 to see if he can help you.

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Post by jebtrillion »

I'm glad you're looking forward to this!
That sounds great!

Thanks for your support and thanks for the help.

It would be cool if you could give me a rundown of some basic scripting rules.

Thanks Again

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Post by conure »

Looks neat, though i am curious what you are basing your code off of. To my knowledge i wasn't aware of any *halo1* open source script decompilier/compiler, or even *complete* command guide.

Also i am curious to know what you plan to do about CE map support, will you let it read protected maps? Will it be able read MP maps? Will you add a script protector (basically just get ride of all non-vital text in the "String table")?
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Post by Cryticfarm »

Or will it just make scripts for like you like:
(startup variable1)
(balhaah variable 2 + variable 1
i know, script doesn't make sense, but is it like that?
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Post by grimdoomer »

Well I know for halo 2 the scripts are compiled to bytes and stuff. So you should read up on Soldier of Light's scripting tutorial.
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Aumaan Anubis wrote:Grimdoomer. The first person ever to mod Halo 2 Vista.
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Post by OwnZ joO »

I'm pretty sure he open sourced his scripting app, so that should help you out quite a bit.
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Post by bcnipod »

if you are going to make it for mac then you will need to code in RB for easy of conversion.
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Post by InvaderVeex »

So...if I understood correctly, this will be able to extract scripts from a map? If so, then awesome. Zteam made one, but they never release apps.
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Post by Cryticfarm »

Ohh, i thought it just helps you make scripts :p.

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Post by jebtrillion »

Sorry I have not been posting updates for a while.
I had a few thing that needed to be taken care of.

Again I ask:

Will anyone be so kind to give me a rundown on scripting rules.
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Post by OwnZ joO »

I'm guessing this is in a .Net language from the look of the GUI?

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Post by jebtrillion »

You are correct.
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