Brok3n Halo coded Entity up to verison 1.3 After that it was purely coded outside users with a slight exception to 1.6. Although none of them
intentionally changed the chunk cloner coding, the coding was changed as a sideaffect to whatever the user changed/added.
And since the very same Entity version and plugins have drastically different affects on different PC's, one of the major causes is clearly the .Net Framework.
Next likely cause is user error and plugins. Then the cloner code.
Entity doesn't use plugin offset values. The offset values in the plugins are purely for user reference.
It just counts the values in order so say if there is a float(which is 4 bytes) at offset 28, it will expect the next value or structure to be at offset 32 and if there is a short (2 bytes) at offset 32, it expects the next value/structure to be at offset 34.
It completely ignores the plugin offsets.
In the first pair of images, that value can be either one. A short and an Enum16 use the same amount of data and display values the same.
However since
it is a count, it should be a short but again, in that case it doesn't matter.
In the second pair, the left image is showing a plugin that is likely to have a float or two too many cause that reflexive should be displayed at offset 164.
The right image shows Entity not even reading the plugin correctly because those values are not inside of "Old Functions".
It's likely due to bad plugin or just what it likely is...a fail plugin editor.
Structurally [bipd], [bloc], [ctrl], [eqip], [mach], [proj], [scen], [vehi], and [weap] are identical from the top down to the "Predicted Resources" reflexive.
The structures are so identical that you can transfer chunk meta across tag classes. The "Old Functions" reflexive is among these reflexives and every plugin I've used has either labeled "Old Functions" at offset 164 or has labeled it unused.
Nor have I ever seen this reflexive even exist in a tag.
Some have more in common than others like [bipd] and [vehi] which are identical all the way down to the "Seats" reflexive.
Yes, some [bipd]'s actually have seats. So when that marine says: "Lets catch one and ride it", you could take that to a more literal level.