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[bloc] Obstacle Initial Velocity

Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2006 12:51 pm
by shet
the few posts i reviewed didnt help me out, so could someone please clearly explain how this is done? any method would be acceptable but system link compatable would be nice too.

Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2006 2:56 pm
by shet
okay i found one way (and it works over system-link just fine!):
example for beaver creek using H2Edit (DotHalo shuld work fine too):

goto the [proj] tag, click smg_bullet, copy the Meta Offset.

goto the [bloc] tag, click beaver_rock_a, paste the Meta Offset.
[Save Changes]

while still having your beaver_rock_a selected, look in the Dependencies window, and swap the hlmt back to beaver_rock_a.
[Save Changes]

now, goto your [weap] plasma pistol and swap its proj for [bloc] beaver_rock_a.
[Save Changes]

done! now people can see rocks shoot (and float just like u see) outta the plasma pistol.

now that might go a little fast so goto ur [proj] tag and change down the Projectile Speed.

Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2006 3:15 pm
by shet
unfortuantely they dont smack you in face like a rock would, just gives you damage like an smg bullet...

i once saw a mod that you could shoot out ghosts and they are true vehicles that explode and kill you when they shot at you that speed. this method if you did that all but with a ghost instead of a rock, it just dissapears...

im lookin for that other method to make it more real.

Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2006 8:11 pm
by a mammoth
First: Don't triple post, no likes it and we have a EDIT button just for that purpose.

Second:I know how to do this, its a pain in the butt, but I'll try to explain it the best I can.

The basic concept behind it is that you want to shoot a normal bloc, then accelerate it to a bullet like speed.

You achieve this by making the gun that you want to shoot have two projectiles, one projectile being your object (such as a rock or a vehicle) and the other being a kicker projectile which doesn't have a long lifespan, no damage and just has a high force.

So heres a mini tu on how to do it, I'll elaborate if you need me to:
First what you would do is make your weapon have two projectiles, assign them to the same trigger, having the chunk with your rock first then having the kicker projectile and having virtually no chamber time. There.

And NEVER overwrite meta's in halo 2 UNLESS you KNOW what you're doing, swap dependencies instead, its much cleaner and much easier to revert back to.

Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2006 8:32 pm
by Dark_Floodz_One
how is it that i would assign them to the same trigger? this seems rather interesting...

Edit: nevermind i figured out how to do it by experimenting. it was rather easy with entity.
i even made a very short video clip of the weapon i created.
A rock is spawned with one trigger, the other trigger shoots a rocket out that is almost invisible, the rocket only has an impact force, not an explosion force. which sends the rock flying generally forward. ... arbine.flv

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 11:04 am
by shet
I would like to try out that 2 projectiles way, I'll need help on that. I found one way that manages to do it but its fullll of errors and i can only use the super-charged bolt on the pp. :-/

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 3:24 pm
by Dark_Floodz_One

The method I used was rather simple.

How to shoot a Bloc out of a weapon on Zanzibar

Note: You can do this on any map you choose, i am only demonstrating on zanzibar.

Step One: Open Entity, Then open, and then open You should now have beavercreek open in the whole window. ... ekopen.bmp

Step Two: We are going to be using beaver_rock_a, so find that in the bloc section. Once you have found it, make sure the Recursive and Parsed boxes are checked off, and then click save. Save the files in a directory of your choice.

Step Three: Now maximize the map zanzibar and make sure you have the Recursive and Parsed boxes also checked off. Then click build near the bottom right of the window. ... ibuild.bmp

Step Four: Locate the info file for the bloc you are using and open it... Once it is done, and window should pop-up saying it is done (duh...)
You can now close ... eninfo.bmp ... lddone.bmp

Step Five: Select the Carbine in the weap folder and right click the graph to the right. Select Clone Chunk from the menu that appears.

Step Six: Select the only chunk from Firing Info, and change the ammount of chunks to clone from 20 into 1. Then click Clone. Then just to make sure it worked, open up Firing Info again. There should now be two chunks. Then click Add Meta To Map. Once it is finished you should get another Done Window. ... chunk1.bmp ... chunk2.bmp

Step Seven: Make sure the Carbine is still selected, and go to Tools > Meta Editor. Scroll down untill you get to the Firing Info change all the values to the ones in the picture. ... rbine1.bmp ... rbine2.bmp ... rbine3.bmp

Step Eight: Go to the jtp! folder, and find rocket_launcher_impact. Right click this and duplicate it. Once it is done, click the newly made rocket duplicate and click it. it should have (1) after it. ... rbine4.bmp

Step Nine: Do what the rest of the pictures say. ... rbine5.bmp ... rbine6.bmp ... rbine7.bmp ... rbine8.bmp ... rbine9.bmp ... bine10.bmp

Step Ten: YAY! Your DONE!

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 4:10 pm
by UntoldLegendxx
Yeah nice tut but seriously please don't use .bmp's they are the suckers of space.

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 4:11 pm
by Dark_Floodz_One
i know that... i did that because i hosted it on my own site... :lol:
i wanted the quality of the image to not change, i tried to use jpg but the quality dropped a bit.