How do I add fog? Water gun?

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Joined: Mon Feb 14, 2005 1:09 pm

How do I add fog? Water gun?

Post by Juniorman030790 »

I want to put fog on top of relic and then take it out of the water. How do i add the fog?
Is there a way to put the pretty blue water from BC into relic? That would be cool.

How would i make a gun have the effect of shooting water. Maybe not actually shoot it but make it look like it's shooting water. I would love to have a gun that looks like it shoots a powerful force of water at you.

Posts: 745
Joined: Mon Feb 14, 2005 1:09 pm

Post by Juniorman030790 »

O ok i forgot sumthing. Is there a way to add seats to the train so i can ride it around? and also since i don't have XBl is there a way to make the Relic teleporter not let people through it on sys-link?

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