Projectile swap... plasma pistol -> actual object

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Projectile swap... plasma pistol -> actual object

Post by 3thirteen »

So I'm using Ch2r, I swap the plasma pistol charged bolt [proj] with the warthog [vehi]. It works fine for me, but when I host a game only I can see the warthogs coming out. Am I not switching the correct thing? Also, are the ITMC files the spawns? Can I just swap say a ghost [vehi] in place of a plasma rifle ITMC and have it spawn the ghost instead of the pr?

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Post by KantTouchThis »

I dont know what the first problem is, but for the Plasma Pistol you cant make a ghost spawn in its spot.

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Post by infamouslink »

you replace the meta of the warthog over the plasma bolt
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Post by pirateninjagraf »

you could do that or you could do it the real way and the easy way and DEPENDENCY swap, not regular swap. right click plasma pistol and click properties then dependencies. go down to a proj and change it to vehi and then locate your vehicle. only works with plasma pistols and rockets for other people to see.

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Post by 3thirteen »

I cant figure out how to swap dependencies only change them. I'm using Ch2r and when I go to dependencies of the plasma it only gives me option to change and not swap. I cant just change them because it throws off the sig of the map.

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Post by Twister689 »

just resign the map, theres a special button for that

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Post by 3thirteen »

Yeah I know theres a button for that, and like I said it changes the signature.

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Post by Shalted »

Download ADI, Open it up in adi, under weap find plasma pistol click on the gear(I think) It will show you dependencies/Lone IDs and some other reflexative stuff...under dependencies swap projectile to vehi then plasma_pistol_bolt/plasma_pistol_bolt_charged with (Insert Vehicle here). Resign and load.
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Post by santamaycry »

Use dot halo, its perfect, they can see rocket launcher stuff, pp stuff, and itmc swaps

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Post by Shalted »

Dot Halo will work also... I perfer ADI though.
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Post by santamaycry »

ADI is more user friendly

but for somereason i just feel like Dot Halo gives me more probably wrong though

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Post by DrunkenBomber »

alright dude, these guys wow... Open adi dude and go to the item collection tag, in there it will show you all of the weapons and powerups on the map that spawn, you can click one then go to dependencies and swap the weap or whatever with the vehi you want. This will replace all of those weapons however with the type of vehicle or object you chose. You can also go into hlmt and edit the thing to where it only swaps one battle rifle or whatever, but then its a trandom spawn, which is why i usually swap the rocket launcher since theres usually only one. and the hog thing dude, they cant see anything you shoot out unless they have your ppf, even if you drive a vehicle you shoot out, they will see you dummied somewhere....

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Post by pirateninjagraf »

the guy is trying to get it WITHOUT resigning the map. i know that there is no swap option in the dependencies, you have to MANUALLY swap it. as in open up dependecys for BOTH of them.

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Post by rebelfire07 »

i got something to ask. ok i like sharing my mods and stuff online and i do a projectial swap with like a vehical and it works i shoot them out and there ride abule, but when i swap an actule item with a vehi(you kno so just a vehi shows up) it duseint show the vehi(on the other person screen) and it would be like a remote controled vehi but my body could die at both places.(so if you shoot the "gun goast" i would die and if you shoot me body i would also die) so what do i need to do to make the swap apear for them??

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Post by Chron1c »


I'm assuming you are talking about XBConnect....?Anyway, on XBL or XBC, the only way someone else could see the vehicle would be to shoot it out of a rocket launcher or plasma pistol. If you don't do this, no one else will see it.