USE ME!!!!!!!!!!!
Please. I see so many of you just post without trying let alone searching for how to accomplish something in modding. The thing is there is roughly a 96% chance of somebody having asked the question before you have (maybe only yesterday, or even 3 years ago ).
So next time you feel the urge to post a question (and I'd say everyone has had this urge), please stop, search for your answer, ask your buddies on AIM or MSN, find a tutorial...And then once you think you've exhausted ALL options, post away, and we'll be glad to be of help...Posting questions that everyone has answered 100 times before wears thin on most of our patience, and in turn, makes us grumpy towards you, which eventually leads to the universe imploding. I don't think anyone wants the universe to implode...Coz then where can we post all our ORSM mods huh?
I can say with complete confidence that a lot of people will agree with me... So hopefully you can follow these easy steps outlined above and we can make halomods a better place.
-You're friendly neighbourhood ScottyGEE
I have recently been informed by a medical professional about what happens to those who have posted before searching:
That's right folks! you will look like Barbra Streisand! I didn't want to have to take out the big guns, but you're forcing me to here
It's 100% medically proven fact, that if you don't search beforehand you will turn into her. It is an existance worse than death, I suggest you take my recommendations seriously
Got questions? Well I got answers!
Guys, this isn't a help eachother out thread sorry.
The purpose of this thread, if it is ever read, is to encourage people to search BEFORE they post nonsensical questions. It is much easier to help someone if they have attempted something as they can be very specific in the steps they've taken andgiving an idea for others to help. Just posting: "how do I shader swap" clearly demonstrates one's lack of knowledge, logic and also shows ignorance to this topic and the search button.
So please, I implore you to use the search button...The excuse "it doesn't find what you need" doesn't work because I know what I'm searching for. Searching "shader swap" in all forums of course is going to get you millions of threads. Searching "How to shader swap" in the halo 2 tutorials section would be much more logical and would get much less results, more specific to your needs.
I'm glad that there is such an interest in halo 2 modding, but this is just plain silly. What happened to figuring things out? Asking freinds? Or looking for tutorials before posting?
If only there was an easy way of finding if people hadn't searched or attempted to solve their problems first, because I'd take the time to get rid of all those threads so people can actually get their proper modding problems solved
The purpose of this thread, if it is ever read, is to encourage people to search BEFORE they post nonsensical questions. It is much easier to help someone if they have attempted something as they can be very specific in the steps they've taken andgiving an idea for others to help. Just posting: "how do I shader swap" clearly demonstrates one's lack of knowledge, logic and also shows ignorance to this topic and the search button.
So please, I implore you to use the search button...The excuse "it doesn't find what you need" doesn't work because I know what I'm searching for. Searching "shader swap" in all forums of course is going to get you millions of threads. Searching "How to shader swap" in the halo 2 tutorials section would be much more logical and would get much less results, more specific to your needs.
I'm glad that there is such an interest in halo 2 modding, but this is just plain silly. What happened to figuring things out? Asking freinds? Or looking for tutorials before posting?
If only there was an easy way of finding if people hadn't searched or attempted to solve their problems first, because I'd take the time to get rid of all those threads so people can actually get their proper modding problems solved