1.1 Update not working...

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1.1 Update not working...

Post by happykillmore »

I know i posted a reply in a guys thread who had the same problem but I can't find it. Plus I think this deserves it's own thread.

The 1.1 Update for halo 2 does not work when I run it off the hard drive. I've been trying to fix this but it doesn't want to work and I don't know why. I had the Killtrocity map pack on my xbox before. I had the 1.1 before the killtrocity mappack but then after i got rid of killtrocity the update doesn't work. Any idea?

Edit: I have XBMC as the main dash if that has anything to do with it... And I noticed that it keeps creating a default_ffp.xbe in the halo main folder too, which i don't know what it does.
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Post by Dark_Floodz_One »

do you have the yelo trainer turned on?
or maybe you have to delete that new default_ffp.xbe in the main halo 2 folder...

or maybe just put a brand new copy of halo 2 back onto your xbox, maybe that will work...

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Post by happykillmore »

i dont have any trainers on. I cannot get rid of that ffp.xbe. it just keeps creating a new one. I have put halo 2 back on, countless times. nothing seems to work... I'm beginning to wonder if it is XBMC as the dash.
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Post by Dark_Floodz_One »

i dont think that would be it... but then again, i dont have xbmc as the main dashboard, i have it only set as an application...
i wonder if it might help to clear the halo 2 stuff from your TData folder?
i highly doubt it... but it just might work....
but then again, you might be right, so just try setting your normal dashboard back on, and then see if thats the problem...

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Post by happykillmore »

Yeah. I have already tried clearing the TData folder.
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