Sup everyone, i'm kinda new here and i haven't modded in such a long time. i just recently got the killtrocity mappack v2, and its great. anyone wanna play it on Xlink / XBC?? hit me up or suttin.
Hey, I just got killtrocity v2 aswell and I agree, its 1337. Anyway, I've been having some issues with xbc and I cant use xlink due to the fact that my pc is wireless... but anyway, my user on xbc is KromeZero
I haven't gotten Xlink to work because my pc is wireless, but I do play XBC, but I won't be on till august, lol. I'm on vacation. My XBC name is KromeZero
Ah fudge, I can't get my pic to work. I need to llearn more BBCode. Eithier that or figure out a way to enable HTML. HTML is disabled on this board. It's simple to add a picture. Just put [img]UrlGoesHere[/img].
man...... I just deleted Killtrocity V2 for H2 AI Remapped. I love the "Scarecrow" map. Really creepy, could be a good map for zombies. (or some other game type thats good and scary.) Do you have Killtrocity V1?