Where has everyone gone?????

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Where has everyone gone?????

Post by newbymodder »

As some of you don't know iv been around for quite a while, since killtrocity 2 came out. I saw the Ai Reversion and 3volved come up, and both were awesome although i wonder now. Where has the teams gone? 3volved is great but not done there should be way more maps not to mention i know dark had a really cool hornet model that never got used. And team Remapped where are you guys, Ai reversion 2 and then the Crusade mappack was on the drawing board. I know that everyone is busy, and also playin halo 3 but there were alot of kick ars ideas floating around that never got worked on. Just like converting H2 vista maps to xbox format, thats another thing i was really wanting to happen.
Join Halo 2.5, Can't stop never stop modding halo 2 http://www.halo25.co.nr/
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Post by JK-47 »

People moved on to different things.. Halo 3 being a big one.
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Post by gjsdeath »

AceMods is gone.


Remapped is gone
old AIM conv wrote:Sunday, 2008 May 18 (16:14:44)
[16:14] gjsdeath: hi, i bet you dont know me, i was just wondering if team remapped was still avtive
[16:14] Zeno 117: Nope.
[16:15] gjsdeath: are you still working on the Ai map pack v2?
[16:15] Zeno 117: Nope.
[16:15] gjsdeath: ok, i was just wondering
[16:16] gjsdeath: thanks for your time, later

We do Have Infinity Map Pack coming out soon.

It Hopes to be like next "killtrocity", but only time will tell when it comes out and how many maps there will be in it.

But killtrocity just put alot of mods in one place, they didnt make all there mods(i think)

Infinity is making there own maps.
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Post by DemonicSandwich »

As far as I know, ALL Halo 2 Modding teams had gone away before Infinity.
The fact is that modding of console-based games are doomed. Consoles are replaced by more advanced ones and so the games die off.
Modding of PC based games last much longer since they can transcend computers and operating systems while a console game is doomed to its console.

A perfect example is the first Halo. The Halo xbox forum rarely has a post but the Halo PC and Halo CE forums have many posts a day.

While Halo 2 Xbox modding was able to transcend to the Xbox 360 in a small way, it isn't immune to the cycle and will eventually meet its end. It's end just has a rather long while to come.
AIM wrote:Demonic5andwich (6:10:10 PM): structure of a first person weapon animation:
Demonic5andwich (6:10:43 PM): mess, mess, maybe a node?, another header?! wtf!, more mess, tacos, more shit
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